It’s total calories, not when you eat
- Researchers compared weight loss diets that included a large breakfast or a large dinner.
- Both types of diets produced similar weight loss and metabolic responses.
- Those who ate more breakfast felt fuller throughout the day and were probably easier to maintain their diet longer.
Should you eat your biggest meals in the morning and evening?
Some researchers say that as long as you consume the same number of calories throughout the day, it won’t make much of a difference.
and study Published in a magazine today cell metabolismEuropean researchers tested two weight-loss diets against each other.
Both meals contained the same total number of calories each day.
However, participants consumed most of these calories in the morning on one diet, and most of them in the evening on a second diet.
result? Both diets had nearly identical results when it came to weight loss.
However, the group that ate more in the morning experienced significantly less hunger throughout the day.
In this study, 30 people (16 males and 14 females) were recruited to participate. All were overweight or obese but otherwise healthy.
None of the participants had diabetes that would have changed the outcome of a study of this size.
This was a real study, not limited to a laboratory setting, and participants were observed for 4 weeks.
Each individual had a set daily caloric intake, with some eating more in the morning and others in the evening.
How big is big? 45% of daily calorie intake.
Lunch accounted for 35% of calories in both groups, and small meals accounted for 20%.
All participants obtained approximately 30% of their calories from protein and 35% each from carbohydrates and fat.
At the end of the study, each group had similar weight loss results.
However, the larger breakfast group had lower levels of ghrelin (the hormone that makes you feel hungry) during the day and increased levels of the hormone that makes you feel full.
These participants also had slower gastric emptying, meaning food spent more time in the stomach before entering the rest of the digestive tract.
Researchers said this was an important finding. previous research Frontloading calories in the morning has been suggested to promote weight loss.
Emily FaberRD, a registered dietitian at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills in Queens, part of Northwell Health in New York, told Healthline she wasn’t surprised by these results.
“The idea of curbing hunger with well-balanced meals at structured mealtimes can be a big help in achieving the right portions and intakes throughout the day. It’s the ‘secret’ of the easiest meals,” Feivor says.
Lori Wellstead, MS, RD, LDN, Registered Dietitian and Dietitian in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at the University of Chicago School of Medicine, told Healthline: We are not as simple as we see in mouse models and laboratories. “
“This is the first study of its kind and will help build insights to provide the basis for more research,” Welsted added.
She said the researchers admitted they couldn’t measure things like glucose in the group that ate more dinner because the participants had to sleep.
Megan LoweMS, RD, CNE, and CLEC, who are Wellness Managers and Registered Dietitians at the Wellness Center at Providence St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, Calif., agreed with Healthline that the study leads to interesting questions for future research. said.
“We look forward to the authors taking this study further and evaluating the results of breakfasts containing different macronutrient compositions. there is.
Studying weight loss diets is one thing. Being one is another.
Eating more breakfast may make it easier to maintain a particular diet, but it’s important to remember that total daily calories were strictly controlled in this study.
Experts say that eating a large breakfast without other lifestyle changes is unlikely to have a significant positive impact on health.
“Breakfast should have the basic building blocks: high fiber from fruits/vegetables or whole grains, plus adequate amounts of protein and heart-healthy fats,” says Faber. Told.
“Beware of the breakfast trap of high-sugar, low-fiber cereals, fruit juices (even 100%), pastries, and highly processed meats,” she warned.
“Listen to your body. Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full. It takes about 20 minutes to actually notice the signal,” says Welstead.
“Many diets for weight loss are not aimed at sustainable lifestyle changes and are quick fixes. If you think the story sounds too good, it probably is,” Welsted added. .
The importance of physical activity cannot be ignored either.
“Improved heart rate, increased energy and mood, reduced stress levels, increased muscle tone, reduced visceral fat, and improvements in metabolic markers such as blood sugar and blood pressure all contribute to increased physical activity, even without weight. The general potential benefit of the loss that comes with it,” said Wroe.
“Weight-loss diets are unlikely to result in sustained weight loss without a change in how a person eats. she added.
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