The pillars could be subjected to a devastating earthquake in the next 50 years
Staff may have to prepare for a “once in a hundred” event sooner than they think, as experts worry about a potentially catastrophic earthquake.
Arkansas, USA – There has been talk recently of various “once in a hundred” events happening around the world – from hurricanes to floods, and many other natural disasters.
Although there have been many claims about why this is happening, Hilda Booth of the State Department of Emergency Management said the Arkansans may have to prepare for this type of event sooner than we think.
Booth made it clear that she appreciates “once in a hundred years” not “if” but “when”.
“Most scientists agree that we are at least late for a 6.0-magnitude earthquake,” she added.
Booth went on to say that the next “big bomb” could hit northeastern Arkansas within the next few decades.
“People don’t realize that we are sitting in the New Madrid seismic zone, where there is a 7 to 10 percent chance that within the next 50 years we will experience an earthquake of 7.0 or greater,” she said.
That’s not all you told us
“The chances go up to 25 or 40 percent when we’re talking about an earthquake of 6.0 or greater,” she explained.
Booth said that while there is no need to panic at this time, preparation will be key.
A geological survey in Arkansas helped us find out what kind of earthquake this type of earthquake looks like, and what preparation is required.
Northeastern Arkansas faces the greatest danger, said Scott Osbrookes, survey director and state geologist.
“It’s a lot of farmland,” he said, “and it’s loose sediments or sands.”
Ausbrooks explained that in a roughly 3.0-magnitude earthquake, most people will start to feel these effects, and 4.0 when you start to see visible damage.
Osbrooke’s description: “Most people don’t understand, we have thirty to six dozen earthquakes in any given year.”
Although most earthquakes are too small to be felt, he showed that with each force, the strength of earthquakes increases exponentially.
With a 6.0 or 7.0 earthquake likely within the next 50 years, Osbrookes and Booth advised that it’s better to be prepared than unprepared.
“If they had had those basic supplies like food, water and medicine to take care of their families, the death toll shouldn’t be that high,” Booth explained.
According to FEMA, if you find yourself in an earthquake, there are a few things to remember:
If you are in a car at that time, you must stop and stop, and if you are in bed, stay there, and never run outside, but find a safe place inside, and do not go in the doorway.
While preparation can mean the difference between life and death, experts have made it clear that earthquakes can still be predictable – their damage and death are uncertain.
Booth and Osbrookes explained how history and science are good tools to help keep us prepared.
“Most geologists and scientists look to the past, and the past is an indicator of the future,” Osbroeks said.
History is also one reason experts are concerned that there could be “high risk” on the way, as the New Madrid seismic zone is no stranger to catastrophic earthquakes.
According to geologists, in the years 1811 and 1812, the New Madrid Seismic Zone experienced 3 of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history to strike the US mainland east of the Rocky Mountains.
Experts described the shaking as so strong that it affected northeastern Arkansas, but it also extended far beyond that.
Booth and Ausbrooks claimed, “Reports are of massive shaking. There have been reports as far east as Boston, and even south of New Orleans.”
Although there are limited accounts at the time, scholars have determined “that they felt it in South Carolina. Even the Mississippi River is a reserve. I mean, there was just devastation,” Booth said.
These earthquakes predate the development of the seismograph, so experts estimate that these earthquakes were between 7.0 and 8.0 degrees, with thousands of aftershocks.
Osbrookes described: “There were some parts of the land that were lifted up, so that was a complete disturbance of the land.”
A scientific study commissioned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency showed that if today’s earthquake struck with the same strength and location as the New Madrid earthquake in the 18th century, it could lead to 3,500 deaths and 17,000 hospitalizations.
The study also estimates that 715,000 buildings could be damaged.
These estimates were based on the 2:00 AM event, a 7.7-meter earthquake that tore through the three parts of the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
“We expect people in northeastern Arkansas to be the hardest hit and hardest hit, but really the entire eastern side of the state,” Booth said.
While the magnitude and strength of the earthquake may be great, Booth and Osbrookes make it clear that the state is prepared for this type of disaster.
However, both agreed that personal responsibility and willingness would be the real limiting factor, and their agency was actively working to do their part.
“We’re watching earthquakes and stuff, there’s notices going out, we’re going to schools, we’re raising awareness, we’re telling people what’s going on,” Osbrookes said.
Although experts worry that we may see a 6.0 or 7.0 earthquake within the next 50 years. Both Ausbrooks and Booth added that it could be sooner or later.
Sources 2/ https://www.thv11.com/article/weather/earthquake-arkansas-50-years/91-d341e094-f673-4d20-9d5d-99051ecdf5bc The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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