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Photoactivated nanoparticles deprive cancer cells of essential proteins


To put a drug that kills cancer in small particles and send it to the human body, Targeted form Of potential treatment for the disease. Pennsylvania State University’s new study offers another exciting possibility in this area, to show how newly developed nanoparticles can target specific cancer tissues after being activated by light. is showing.

Nanoparticles come from a biomedical engineer in Pennsylvania who wanted to harness the natural properties of molecules called microRNAs (miRNAs). When they encounter another important molecule called messenger RNA (mRNA), they block the production of essential proteins that cancer cells need to survive.

However, this process can spread systemically in any type of tissue, so using it as a system-wide approach to getting rid of cancer raises some complications. Therefore, researcher Daniel Haze at the State University of Pennsylvania explains that acting miRNAs only at the location of cancer cells as a way of selectively killing them is a huge step forward.

“MiRNAs can have very different effects in different types of tissues, which can lead to unwanted side effects and toxicity,” he says. “By delivering and activating miRNAs only at the site of the tumor, these side effects can be reduced, increasing the overall effectiveness of the treatment.”

Hayes and his team worked on this by designing nanoparticles with specific chemistries that allow miRNA molecules to bind to the nanoparticles. These were then delivered via IV to the site of mouse skin tumors and allowed to accumulate in the area of ​​cancer. Next, particles exposed to specific wavelengths of light saw the miRNAs released from the nanoparticles and set about the protein blocking business.

Using this technique, the team was able to completely regress skin tumors in groups of approximately 20 mice within 24-48 hours. The treatment also prevented tumor regrowth.

“This delivery method provides temporal and spatial specificity,” says research author Adam Glick. “Instead of delivering miRNAs and their associated side effects systemically, exposing them to light allows them to be delivered to specific areas at specific times.”

According to the team, this approach is particularly powerful because it can attack cancer cells at multiple points by attaching to different mRNAs. This multi-faceted approach also helps overcome the problem of cancer cells resisting treatment.

“The difference in this is that the miRNAs we use are capable of controlling a broad set of genes and are particularly powerful in the treatment of heterogeneous diseases such as cancer,” Liu said.

Because the light needed to activate the nanoparticles is sent through fiber optic cables, the team considers oral, digestive or skin cancers as the most likely targets for treatment. They are now hoping to continue exploring their potential, with a particular focus on deadly tumors.

“It wants to develop this further because of internal tumors that are more important in terms of mortality such as esophageal cancer,” Glick says.

Research published in journal Biomaterial..

Source: Pennsylvania State University

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