Confirmed that coronavirus cases hit 3 million people in the United States
Six months ago, no one thought COVID-19 existed in the United States. The first reported case occurred on January 21st. Within 99 days, 1 million Americans became infected. In just 43 days, it reached 2 million cases. Twenty-eight days later, the United States reached 3 million novel coronaviruses on Wednesday. According to Johns Hopkins, the incidence of new cases continues to increase in 35 states, which can reverse painful shutdowns and home-based order progress for weeks. Latest figures In the U.S., at least 131,000 deaths from viruses have been reported in the U.S. Healthcare professionals have begun to relinquish the state, abandon safety measures such as social distances and wearing face masks As a result, many Americans fall into a false sense of security. Although mortality rates have fallen in recent weeks, “lower mortality rates provide relief,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, “2. A sad Dr. Massachusetts General Hospital infectious disease chief Rochelle Warrensky, who may die after 3,4,5 weeks’. The White House suggests that declining mortality is a sign that COVID-19 is being suppressed, but other indicators continue to soar. Record of most cases reported in one day — Tuesday, 60,021. In Florida, 42 hospitals on Wednesday lost capacity for intensive care units—reduced from the previous 56 days-while other hospitals are scarce, the State Department of Health Care said If necessary, we can convert beds in a spiked situation and bring additional ICU beds online.” Arizona sets a daily mortality record once a week, including Tuesday. I will. On that day, the state reported the lowest number of ICU beds available to date. “We need a health professional. We need a test kit. Phoenix mayor Kate Garrego said Tuesday that she will have the supplies she needs.” Hospitalization in California reached nearly 6,000 on Tuesday, a record high. The number of patients on Tuesday increased 3.4% from the previous day. Intensive care unit patients-19, according to data from the California Department of Public Health. The highest number of people infected with coronavirus on Tuesday was 10,028 new cases. The state’s total is now over 210,000, 2,715, and Governor of Texas Greg Abbott said the Edinburgh test site will run 5,000 a day from Wednesday to July 14 to increase testing at hotspots. Announced to offer free tests. “We will identify and mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic in the Rio Grande Valley and keep Texas safe,” Abbott said. Massachusetts is also launching a test initiative. It starts on Friday and runs until mid-August. Governor Charlie Baker targets eight communities, including New Bedford, Chelsea, and Lowell, which account for 27% of positive tests, but only 9% of the population. Initiatives include physical stores and mobile equipment. ‘Please wear a mask. Time period’As of Monday, 35 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico had issued an order for some masking requirements, and Mr Forch said he was “strongly in favor” of his obligation to control spreads. “Use a mask, keep a physical distance, and avoid congestion,” Fauch said on Tuesday. “So, if you’re willing to put it on or off, you’re giving the wrong mixed cues. The cues are: Wear a mask, period. According to Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute of Health Metrics and Assessment (IHME) at the University of Washington, this fall will reduce the number of Americans who die of coronaviruses by 45,000. The latest model released on Tuesday killed 208,000 coronaviruses by 1 November. The new mortality rate has been attributed to the recent surge in cases with seasonality and school reopening, Murray said, although models suggest that most Americans wear face masks when they wear face masks. That number drops to 163,000. An incredibly simple strategy and intervention.” “This saves lives, but it greatly improves the economy by avoiding the inevitable shutdowns that occur when things quickly go out of control in some states.” COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Control that prevents spread, in addition to wearing a mask, recommends that you keep 6 feet between yourself and others. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Click here for tips on how to stay safe. Associated Press contributed to this report.
Six months ago, no one thought COVID-19 existed in the United States.
The first reported case occurred on January 21st. Within 99 days, 1 million Americans became infected.
After that, it reached 2 million in just 43 days.
And 28 days later, the United States reached 3 million new cases of coronavirus on Wednesday.
In 35 states, the incidence of new cases continues to increase, potentially reversing the progress made between the weeks of painful closure and home orders.
Latest numbers
The US has reported at least 131,000 deaths from the virus, According to Johns Hopkins University.
Many Americans are in a false sense of security as state authorities reopened and abandoned safety measures such as social distances and wearing face masks.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on Tuesday that while mortality generally fell in the last few weeks, “comfort with lower mortality is a false story.”
Death may be delayed “two, three, four, or five weeks after” a new case was reported, says Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, head of infection at Massachusetts General Hospital.
The White House suggests that declining mortality is a sign that COVID-19 is being suppressed, but other indicators continue to soar.
The United States established records for most cases reported on the 1st — Tuesday, 60,021.
In Florida, the capacity of 42 intensive care units on Wednesday died, down from 56 yesterday. While other hospitals are scarce, the state’s Department of Health Care said, “The hospital has the ability to change beds and bring them in. It’s online with a surge in demand when additional ICU beds are needed.”
In Arizona, we set a daily death record about once a week, including Tuesday. On that day, the state reported the lowest number of ICU beds available to date.
“I need a medical professional. I need a test kit. I need supplies right away,” Phoenix Mayor Kate Garrego said Tuesday. “They tell us that our hospital is already in distress and will be into an unbearable crisis in the next two weeks.”
California and Texas set tough record
California and Texas are another states that have set new records.
Hospitalization in California with about 6,000 patients on Tuesday is the highest ever. Patients on Tuesday increased 3.4% from the previous day.
The state also has the highest number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit, according to data from the California Department of Public Health.
In Texas, the highest number of cases of coronavirus per day on Tuesday, with 10,028 new cases reported. The state’s total is now more than 210,000 cases and 2,715 deaths.
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas announced at Edinburg’s test site that it will offer 5,000 free tests per day between Wednesday and July 14 to increase testing at hotspots.
“This new surge testing site will help identify and mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic in the Rio Grande Valley and help keep Texas safe,” Abbott said.
Massachusetts is also launching a test initiative. Spreads will stop from Friday to mid-August. It targets eight communities, including New Bedford, Chelsea and Lowell, which make up 27% of the positive tests but account for only 9%. Population said Governor Charlie Baker. Initiatives include physical stores and mobile equipment.
“Please wear a mask.
As of Monday, 35 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico had an order for some masking requirements, and Mr Forch said he “strongly agrees” with his power to curb spreads.
“When we see what we know we can do, it’s the use of masks, the physical distance, and the avoidance of the crowd,” Fochi said Tuesday. “So, if you’re willing to put it on or off, you’re giving the wrong mixed signal. Signal is: wear a mask. Period.”
According to Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, if most Americans listen to the signal, fewer than 45,000 will die of coronavirus this fall. Will be.
The latest model, released on Tuesday, predicts 208,000 deaths from coronavirus by 1 November. The new mortality rate is due to the recent surge in cases that combine seasonality with school restarts, Murray said.
But, according to the model, if most Americans wear face masks, that number drops to 163,000.
“It’s an incredibly simple strategy and intervention,” Murray said. “This saves lives, but in some situations it avoids the shut down that can occur when things get out of control quickly, which can greatly improve the economy.”
Prevent the spread of COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that you not only wear a mask, but also keep 6 feet between yourself and others to prevent the spread of coronaviruses.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
For tips on how to stay safe, click here.
Associated Press contributed to this report.
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