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The worst foods for stress, shared by experts

The worst foods for stress, shared by experts


Mental health: Experts share the worst foods for stress

Stress can be caused by work pressure, relationship or family issues, and can worsen your health.

Moderate stress is beneficial. Waking up in the morning keeps you motivated and serves as a red flag that you need to make a lifestyle adjustment. On the other hand, sustained stress can adversely affect health, especially eating patterns and nutritional requirements.

Prolonged stress increases the body’s metabolic demands, which can increase food absorption and excretion. Long-term stress can therefore increase nutrient requirements and exacerbate current deficiencies.

In addition, our dietary preferences can be altered by prolonged stress, leading to increased consumption of sweets and processed foods. One reason for this could be the increased dependence on food.

Another factor is the natural selection of foods rich in fat and sugar when under stress. This is because fat provides significant calories and sugar enables the rapid release of glucose, which provides energy. Today’s stressors, including things, can be endured for long periods of time and tip the balance in the wrong direction.

Through Instagram Real, nutritionist Lovneet Batra shares food groups that are bad for us if we’re stressed. she wrote: Read on for foods that can trigger your stress levels.”

Here are the 5 foods that exacerbate stress levels, according to nutritionists:

1. Sweet treats are a cause of overall anxiety. Foods such as cakes and pastries can cause your blood sugar to spike or dip, and your energy will go up and down along with it. A blood sugar drop can make you feel sick and cause your anxiety levels to spike.

2. Artificial sweeteners are often recommended instead of sugar, but research shows that the use of NNS (non-nutritive sweeteners) can also increase inflammation and stress in the body. increase. Aspartame use can lead to systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and excess free radical production.

3. Too much caffeine can overstimulate the body and cause adrenal problems. Caffeine also stimulates the nervous system, causing an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, ultimately increasing feelings of anxiety.

4. Refined carbs aggravate inflammation, overwhelm the body with more sugar than it needs, increase stress, and lead to mood swings.

5. Fried foods contain large amounts of trans fat. Trans fats are a major cause of inflammation in the body. Stress levels increase when the body goes into an inflammatory state.

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Avoid these food groups if you are suffering from stress.

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is not a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a professional or family doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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