What to put in your go-to bag, plus supplies to keep at home and in the car – Orange County Register
The go bag is an essential part of preparing for an earthquake, wildfire, or other evacuation order.
What groups do you need
Go-bag: A daypack or duffel bag small enough to carry around—one for each family member. This should contain essentials if you have to leave your home suddenly due to an earthquake, wildfire, flood, or other evacuation order. Keep it packed and ready to grab and go.
Car Kit/Work Kit: Essentials for at least 24 hours in every vehicle and at your workplace, in case you’re away with your go-bag.
Survival Kit: A box of large items for a three-day stay either in or near your home during an emergency or to keep in your car before you drive to safety.
Where should you stay
Although it is convenient to keep a suitcase in your car, consider a) whether the car is sure to be near you at the crucial time and (b) the security implications of keeping personal documents and valuables in your car. For most people, it would make more sense to have a smaller kit in the car and keep your go-to bag indoors, somewhere easy to access.
If you have supplies in more than one place, put a note to that effect in or near your carry-on bag. (Example: “Get a black document bag from the fireproof box in Mike’s office. Put Felix in his briefcase, which is in the laundry room. Survival kit in the blue plastic container on the garage shelf.”) Also consider making a note near The bag that lists its contents. The goal is to be able to put together everything you need for an evacuation in a matter of minutes, without having to stop and think about where you put things.
How often should you check it
Set a date to check your supplies each year. Replace food, batteries, and medicines before they get old. Make sure that spare clothes and shoes are appropriate for your children. Update the information on your flash drive. Recharge your energy block.
Related: Before the Earthquake Hits: How to Make a Family Plan and Make Your Home Safer
What do we put in
This will be different for every household, and the go bag should still be light enough to carry around. Prepacked bags can be purchased from emergency supply companies. Suggested checklist:
Vehicle/work kit
Water, blanket, sweatshirt, sturdy shoes, first aid kit, flashlight with batteries, any necessary medications.
(It is assumed that each adult will have a phone, keys, credit/debit card, and identification, and that each pet will be on a leash or in a carrier.)
Water: This will be limited by weight and what you have room for. Two liters weigh 4 lbs.
Food: Non-perishable food that requires no preparation, such as granola bars, dried fruit, tuna in a bag, sturdy crackers, and peanut butter.
Pet food and bowl
Change of sturdy clothes and shoes
Mylar emergency blanket
Lighter or matches in a waterproof container
paper and pen
cash ($100 in small bills)
First aid kit
Spare eyeglasses
Hand sanitizer
Portable radio (battery-operated or manual)
extra batteries
mobile charger
Swiss army knife
N95 mask for smoke/particle protection
Indispensable jewelry or other small keepsakes
Documents (digital and paper) in a waterproof bag
• Some of the documents you’ll want in the long run in case your home gets damaged (home inventory, insurance policy, cherished photographs) can be stored on your phone or on a flash drive you keep in your bag.
• You will need hard copies of some items, including anything you will need access to if you do not have a working cell phone or laptop:
Emergency telephone numbers
Medical prescriptions
Personal documents that are difficult to replace, such as passports and birth certificates
A recent photo of each family member and each pet. On the back, write the name, date of birth, physical characteristics, and the name and phone number of the person you can call outside the area.
Also consider: laptop computer, charged power unit and connector cords, and external hard drive containing backup files
baby bag
Clothes and shoes
water and food
Flashlight, whistle, hand sanitizer
Mylar emergency blanket
Book, game, comfort item
Survival kit (plus travel bag)
Water: one gallon per person per day for at least three days (for washing as well as drinking)
Food: Three days of non-perishable food
Pet supplies: extra food and water
Sets or plates/pots/cups
Manual can opener
Blankets or sleeping bags
Paper towels, wet wipes, trash bags
Dish soap and bleach
Plastic covers, masking tape, zip ties
wrench or pliers;
work gloves
Also consider: a fire extinguisher; Books and games. Camping equipment such as a stove, water purifier, tent, and lantern
Sources 2/ https://www.ocregister.com/2023/04/05/earthquake-kits-whats-in-your-go-bag/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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