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Racism Experience May Harm Cognitive Health


New research suggests that racism can increase stress, cause health problems, and disrupt cognitive function in black women.

Black women who frequently experienced daily racism, such as racism, poor store service, and stereotypes, were at a 2.75x risk of subjective cognitive decline. More than a woman with a low level of daily racism.

Cognitive function Refers to an individual’s mental ability to learn, think, reason, solve problems, make decisions, remember, and pay attention.

Those with the highest degree of institutional racism regarding work, housing, or police were 2.66 times more likely to report a decline in cognitive function than women who experienced less institutional racism ..

Investigation result Sloan’s epidemiologist, lead author of the study, Lyn Rosenberg, is a professor of epidemiology at the Boston University Epidemiology Center and Boston University School of Public Health.

Healthcare professionals warn that racism causes emotional and psychological harm and encourages health care providers to address it
The incidence of dementia, a condition that impairs cognitive ability, and Alzheimer’s disease Black and expensive.. An example of racial discrimination is Conditions that increase risk In the case of cognitive disorders such as depression and sleep deprivation—researchers have found that the frequent experience of racism among black women critically thinks, understands, follows conversations, and navigates. I thought it could have an adverse effect on my subjective ability to do so.

“Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have long-term cognitive effects,” said Howard University School of Medicine psychiatrist and associate professor Dr. Daniel Hairston was not involved in the study. ..

“The emotional experience of psychological trauma, such as racism, can alter cognitive processes such as memory, attention, planning, and problem solving,” said Hairston, who is also chairman of the American Psychiatric Association’s Black Caucus. Said in an email.

“I expect racism to have a negative impact on cognitive function because it causes stress and depression.”

Prejudice and cognitive health

This study includes Black Women Health SurveyThe goal of the longitudinal study was to understand the causes of increased illness among black women and the factors that improve black women’s health.
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During the mid-40’s of 2009, women answered questions about their experience of routine and institutional racism. Reported in their day-to-day experience that they were being served worse than others in restaurants and shops, treated as if they had no intelligence, and experienced what others feared Did.

They also reported experiences of institutional racism-being mistreated for race in situations involving work. Rent or buy a home; handle police and courts. School; and medical.

By the age of 55 in 2015, questions about whether women would recall recent events, short lists of items, etc. on the phone, or struggle to understand verbal instructions and TV show plots I answered.

As women report Racism in their daily lives has exacerbated their cognitive abilities.

How the experience of racism affects the brain

The impact of discriminatory experiences on cognitive function is HippocampusThe study said it was a brain storage unit for long-term memory.
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The hippocampus also regulates emotions and stress, so the hippocampus Receptor These are the main binding sites for the stress hormone cortisol — these receptors detect stress and convey the condition to the rest of the body.
Chronic stress Decreased hippocampal volume, And in older people, it is associated with a type of memory impairment that depends on the hippocampus. This area is also First brain area to decline Blacks are at higher risk than whites when they have Alzheimer’s disease.
Among women who experience the worst racism, researchers attribute approximately 25% to 45% of their poor subjective cognitive function to depression and insomnia. Women who have experienced racism are more likely to have depression, more likely to have sleep disorders, Both affect cognition..

Racism-related stress can “lead to a higher risk of cognitive decline, such as diabetes,” Rosenberg said. “Therefore, these particular mechanisms may be working, or by causing other conditions that are themselves associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline,” she said.

Proxy Racism: You do not have to be the victim of harm

Researchers found an association between discriminatory experience and lack of subjective cognitive function, but controlled potentially influential factors including the possibility of type 2 diabetes, physical activity, and hypertension in women I could not do it.

“When I visit the Alzheimer’s website, I tell people that they should always exercise and eat healthy… these healthy behaviors seem to reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s That’s what it looks like,” said Rosenberg. “If it turns out to be true for this women’s cohort, it will be very encouraging.”

Highlighting social structure as a predictor of health

Further research is needed to determine whether exposure to racism promotes the development of Alzheimer’s dementia or raises the levels of biological markers that predict the condition, Rosenberg said. Also, a more complete and objective cognitive assessment requires a more detailed method than a phone screener, Hairston said.

Recent attention to racial injustice And efforts to rectify discrimination may need booster-related health research to make a difference.

“People are far better off looking at the evidence of all the things that racism experiences are learning about in their lives in terms of housing, education, job opportunities, and interactions with police. Is progressing to,” Rosenberg said. “Our research shows that racism has been considered in the context of other conditions. Racism is sure to have a negative impact on people’s health.”

“In the current racial and social anxiety, there are African-Americans and other racial/ethnic minority patients who show a diminished ability to concentrate, remember things, etc.,” Hairston said in an email. Mentioned in.

“Health professionals should pay attention to these subjective reports.”


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