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Professor NIU says we are late for an earthquake


Earthquakes occur almost every day in Illinois, but they are so small that people don’t notice them most of the time.

A “tangible” earthquake with a strength of at least 3.0, and as the name suggests, is felt by many people. This type of earthquake occurs every few months in the Wabash Valley and the new areas of Madrid in southern and southeastern Illinois. This is where the two major earthquake regions of the state are located. Dr. Philip Carpenter is Professor of Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences at the University of Northern Illinois. He said: “We have already felt some of the earthquakes that occurred there in Dekalb.”

Because Southern Illinois is active, Central Illinois is not. Carpenter said: “Below Springfield, there were only a few earthquakes that occurred in that region.”

Earthquakes are monitored throughout the country at various seismic stations. Each station has a seismograph. Carpenter explained: “It could be in a cellar or a separate unit called a cellar.” “Some of them are placed in fields and agricultural caves and record earthquakes – they record earthquakes.” This means that if there is an earthquake, it will be recorded by several stations across the state and “you can quickly determine where the earthquake occurred and how large it looks.”

Seismic stations are usually located off the highways and human types of vibrations. However, NIU is home to the Davis Hall Seismic Station. You can’t go there now because of the coronavirus, but once things open again, fans can watch the vibrations when they are recorded.

“Our station is actually in a quiet location downstairs, but it is less than half a mile from the railways,” Carpenter said. “If you stand there for a few minutes, you will see a train signal on the seismograph.”

Nowadays, seismometers apply digital technology and can distinguish seismic vibrations from those of trains.

Seismic stations located in southern Illinois detect small earthquakes (less than 3.0 degrees) almost every day, but when they head toward Wisconsin, you feel that earthquakes are rare. However, Carpenter said, “We are due to have another three to four strengths at any time.”

Carpenter said that northern Illinois would face a hair earthquake “maybe every 10 years” and spoke to the recent history of earthquakes in northern Illinois. He said millions of Illinois had felt the 3.8-magnitude earthquake measuring 3.8, but he added that there have been two smaller earthquakes since then. “In 2015, there was one in the hillside lake and then McHenry County had one in 2012.” It was felt by a few hundred people.

Carpenter talked about his experience with the February 10, 2010 earthquake. “It was 3:59 in the morning. I was still working on a sheet of paper and I was shocked and said,” Yes, this is an earthquake, “and after 15 minutes my phone started ringing.”

Besides being a scientist, Carpenter also grew up in California and witnessed earthquakes of up to 5.9. This is another reason why he could immediately recognize an earthquake as an earthquake.

Although the professor said that we deserved, he also said that there is no reason to be afraid. “No damage was actually done in northern Illinois due to any of these earthquakes,” he said. They will give you a rumble, a jolt, or a feeling of swaying. “

Although he could not predict exactly when and where the earthquake he felt in northern Illinois would occur, Carpenter said he had observed a pattern.

“The most recent earthquakes tend to happen in winter or spring,” he said. “After the wet years of heavy rains in August or September, they tend to precede earthquakes in February or March.” He said that this is one hypothesis that he and his colleagues think. “We look at it statistically to see if there’s really a valid correlation between these things.” He added: “It may be true, it may be a mistake. We test it by looking at the data.”

Carpenter stated that it was almost impossible to guess where the next earthquake would be in northern Illinois. He said “It could be anywhere.” “People have been talking about earthquake prediction 50 years ago and they were notorious for earthquake prediction.”

Although the prediction is not in the Carpenter Cards, it was made clear that earthquakes were not random and that he and his colleagues had considered the distribution of earthquakes in northern Illinois.

“They tend to gather in time for a reason,” he said. “There was a very active period in the early twentieth century when we had many earthquakes that we felt between 1909 and 1920. Then things stopped until the 1940s, then we had another set of earthquakes – and then things closed until around the 1990s to The first decade of the twenty-first century. “

An earthquake occurs when there is a broken area in the rock called an error. Carpenter said, “Suddenly you have a slip at some point on that broken area and the mistake breaks and slides, and that’s what causes the earthquake.”

He said that cracking can indirectly cause a slip.

He explained, “Cracking produces a lot of wastewater and you have to do something with this wastewater.” “What is usually done is you inject it underneath, or a road, or just below the groundwater level where there is only salty water. If you have a mistake about to slip, you are adding water pressure, somewhat lubricating the error, causing it to slip.”

There is a lot of information about the relationship between earthquakes and fissures and we will explore this in our next environmental story.

Meanwhile, to find out more about earthquakes, Dr. Carpenter recommended a visit to the Illinois State Seismological Information and Geographical Survey.

So what should you do if there is an earthquake?

If you are indoors, get a solid table or a solid piece of furniture. If not, Carpenter recommends “a frame frame or any structural element that can protect you from falling.”

If you are outside, stay away from the buildings. “What usually happens are things like surviving from barriers and barriers – anything that hangs from outside the building – will fall if the earthquake is large enough,” he said.

In terms of preparedness, Carpenter warned that internal bookcases, water heaters and anything heavy could collapse or be broken with a 4.0-magnitude earthquake and to ensure that these elements are mounted to the wall. But he said: “This is even more important in southern Illinois where there are devastating earthquakes.”

Although we don’t think about earthquakes in Illinois as much as we do in California, Carpenter reminded us that “the Earth is always moving and things are always moving under the ground.”


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