Civil War era smallpox vaccination kit provides new insights on how the virus was eradicated
Notably, the viral genome was sequenced using the traces found in the vaccination kits of the time, and put together by scientists “like a jigsaw puzzle,” as noted by lead author Ana Dagan. It was.
The smallpox vaccine trial dates back to 1796. A British doctor, Edward Jenner, observed that a nanny called “cowpox” exposed to a smallpox relative was protected from a more serious illness.
During Jenner’s early clinical trials and the spread of modern, standardized vaccinations that led to the World Health Organization’s declaration of eradicated smallpox in 1980, doctors vaccinated human-to-human vaccination. I did it. To do this, infectious agents were taken from one individual and applied to the wound of a healthy person to provoke an immune response.
Traces of these types of substances were found in vaccination kits investigated in the study.
“The molecules collected from these objects were highly degraded, they were not intact virions or genomes, but small pieces of DNA that were degraded over time,” Duggan explained.
CDC ran tests to ensure that it was not at risk of exposure to live virus, but the author’s greatest concern was to protect the kit from the latest DNA contamination.
“All lab work was completed in an ancient DNA clean room, where full Tyvek suits, face masks and gloves were worn to protect the samples,” Duggan told CNN.
To get the relevant traces from the kit, Duggan and her team released the molecule from the surface, rinsing the object in a buffer.
“When those molecules were released into solution, we would be able to purify the DNA fragments, sequence them, and piece the genome together to identify the virus used for vaccination.” “Duggan explained.
Kit spent decades in the wrong drawer
The vaccination kit was accidentally found in a phlebotomy section drawer at the Mutter Museum at the University of Doctors in Philadelphia.
“The look of the kit looks exactly like the bloodshed kit, so it’s understandable that the kits could have been made decades ago. We’ll find them and lead the way for discovery and scientific innovation. I’m glad to have given it to me.” I told CNN that I was the director and co-author of the study at the Mütter Research Institute.
Opening the kit reveals not only the lancet used for bloodshed, but also the tin box and glass slides used to collect samples such as scabs and lymph from the blisters of an intentionally infected person. It was.
A completely new research area threatened by the coronavirus
Scientists have recovered trace amounts of DNA from the scabs in the kit and other related molecules from inorganic elements such as tools and cans through a non-destructive sampling process. This allows Dhody to pave the way for the surrounding museums. A world that explores your collection in new ways.
“There may be cures, and there may be cures,” Dody told CNN.
“It’s up to us as a society to appreciate the value of these collections in terms of lifesaving medical potential,” she added, the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic endangers the survival of many medical museums. I pointed out that.
“In all closed medical museums, it’s very likely that that information will be lost forever. Awesome, because we weren’t starting to rub the surface of what they could tell us, That’s scary.”
“Many possible solutions for eradicating viruses”
Research also reveals how far away the strains of virus used by civil war era doctors were from the strains used in commercial vaccines in the 1970s and 1980s when smallpox was effectively eradicated. ..
“Our Civil War-era and 20th-century vaccines were all vaccinia viruses, but (our) is not the same as any of the commercial vaccines after them,” Duggan told CNN. ..
“Based not only on the utility of several different vaccinia strains, but also on the ability to use cowpox virus (actually an orthopoxvirus other than smallpox) as a vaccine source to successfully infer immunity to the smallpox virus. Eradicate the virus.”
This takeaway will have a significant impact on the current coronavirus vaccine research process, Dagan explained.
“Today’s drug and vaccine development is vastly different than it was in the 19th century. But exploring multiple vaccine sources and strategies is all evidence that it is possible.”
Hendrik Poinar, head of the McMaster Ancient DNA Center and co-author of the study, clarified why studies of different vaccine strains are useful.
The power of vaccination
As the world awaits development in the field of coronavirus vaccines, Dagan said it is important to celebrate the success and success of past vaccinations.
“I think the biggest similarity between smallpox vaccination and Covid-19 is a global joint effort for the greater public good to eradicate the virus,” Duggan told CNN.
According to Dagan, the eradication of smallpox began with “a doctor who admitted that there were effective procedures. They didn’t always understand why it worked, but it could save lives. I knew.”
Even through significant discoveries about the virus and the development of a bacterial theory, smallpox-fighting doctors worked together to share information on global best practices.
“When looking for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, the work of Edward Jenner and subsequent doctors around the world to eradicate smallpox is an inspiration to the value and potential of vaccine research and an effective vaccine. Should remind us that they can evolve considerably. They are far from the etiological agents they were designed to defend against.”
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