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Lowcountry mental health experts talk tackling seasonal depression

Lowcountry mental health experts talk tackling seasonal depression


CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) – About 5% of adults experience Seasonal Affective Disorder or seasonal depression, according to the American Psychiatric Association, and a Lowcountry mental health facility is working to make sure people are getting the services they need.

Melissa Camp is the Director of Clinical Operations at Live Oak Mental Health and Wellness. Their inpatient and outpatient services help people with a variety of mental health challenges.

“One of the things that we notice is that the change in weather and seasons has an effect on some people where it may make their energy level a lot lower, as it’s dark more of the day and it’s colder and we’re inside more,” Camp says.

She explains that anyone, even someone generally mentally healthy can suffer from seasonal depression for a variety of reasons.

“It’s odd because we think of the holidays and we think of happiness and family and cheer and for a lot of people that’s true, but there’s a there’s a significant number of people who experience more depression during this time of year and it’s completely okay that it happens but it’s hard for people to understand sometimes,” Camp says.

With less sunlight, people may be lacking vitamin D, their internal sleep cycles could shift and their appetite can also be affected. All these could culminate in seasonal depression.

Dr. Valerie Scott, a Roper Primary Care Physician, says your mental health greatly matters to your physical health.

“We find in primary care that mental health plays a huge role in pretty much everyone’s life. It can impact your management of your chronic disease, or it could just be your primary problem,” Scott says.

Scott and Camp agree while people may feel like seasonal depression is not as big of a deal as other mental struggles, it is very important to address.

“It is a form of depression, and it is a real disease. It’s not just that it’s cold outside. It is in the category of a depression, but it only occurs a couple of months a year,” Scott says.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or seasonal depression can affect people for up to 40% of the year. Camp says any perceived change in your mental health is worth a talk with your doctor.

“They’re right in that seasonal depression is likely to not be quite as severe as some of our major depressive disorders or bipolar disorder kinds of symptoms, but it’s still very real, right? It’s still hard,” Camp says. “And so I think even more so than anything, it’s recognizing that it’s a real thing that you may need some additional support, whether that’s therapy or medication, or whatever that looks like for you, but also just really hone in on self-care.”

Symptoms include less energy than normal, a lack of appetite and feeling lonely. Camp says self-care means things like getting enough sleep, eating enough nutrients and interacting with stressors like alcohol in moderation this time of year.

Camp says self-care means things like getting enough sleep, eating enough nutrients and interacting with stressors like alcohol in moderation this time of year. Scott says season depression can be officially diagnosed after two years of the recurring issue. But thankfully, there is proven treatment.

“We know that going outside, getting the sun can help especially if your symptoms are minor, but there’s been lots of studies showing using light boxes, they give you 10,000 Lux of light and that can really change the condition,” Scott says. “This needs to be done with the consultation with the physician. We also know that antidepressants such as Prozac have been completely studied for this condition. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to be just as good as the other therapies I discussed in treating this condition.”

Experts say it all starts with a talk with your doctor. If you need more immediate questions answered, Trident’s Live Oak Mental Health and Wellness facility has a 24/7 at 843-797-4200.




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