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COVID-19 | Pune Hospital claims the country’s first case of mother-to-child transmission was recorded


Here Sasun General Hospital in Maharashtra claimed to have reported the country’s first case COVID-19 “Vertical transmission” From mother to child through the placenta.

Vertical transmission occurs when the baby is in the womb. If the mother is infected, the virus is transmitted through the placenta, a temporary organ that develops in the womb. Pregnant Provides oxygen and nutrients to a growing baby.

Explaining the phenomenon, Dr. Arty Kinnicker, director of pediatrics at Susan General Hospital, said: PTI On July 28, when a person got an infection, it was mainly due to some contact with fomites. If the mother is infected, breastfeeding and other contact can cause the baby to become infected after delivery. So, in layman’s terms, the baby has no infection at birth, but she gets it after 3-4 days, she said.

Also read: Coronavirus | ICMR draws special attention to pregnant women

On the other hand, in the case of vertical transmission, the mother with the infection (symptomatic or asymptomatic) transfers the infection through the placenta to the baby in utero, she explained.

In this case, Dr. Kinika said, it was very difficult for them, saying that the woman had symptoms for a week before birth.

“Since the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) made it mandatory to test all pregnant women“The woman was tested, but her report was negative,” she said.

“After giving birth to the baby girl, her nose swab, umbilical cord, and placenta were tested, and the report was positive,” she said.

The baby was then placed in another ward. The baby also develops strong symptoms, such as fever, a few days after giving birth, with signs of a storm of cytokines, suggesting severe inflammation,” Dr. Kiniker said.

A cytokine storm is a physiological response in which the immune system causes an uncontrolled, excessive release of inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines.

Dr. Kinika said the baby girl was on intensive care and recovered two weeks later. Both mother and child were discharged.

As a result of the investigation, it was confirmed that this was an example of vertical propagation. We waited three weeks and tested both mother and child blood samples for antibody response,” Dr. Kiniker said.

Both developed antibodies, she added, although her mother had more antibodies, but her baby had less.

Dr. Murlidhar Tambe, director of the Susan General Hospital, argued that this was the first case of vertical coronavirus transmission in India. “I congratulate the doctors who worked hard to treat my mom and baby,” he said.

The baby was born in a hospital in the last week of May.

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