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Return to school to prove particularly challenging for autistic children


Returning to school after a long break from a Covid-19 pandemic is difficult for all students, but many children with autism require special care to avoid being overwhelmed by changes in the school environment. I will.

“For a long time after autistic children go to school, they will have to re-establish relationships. This needs to be done in a structured way with a lot of support. ” Adam Harris, Autism CEO supports charity.

Harris says Covid-19’s pandemic was incredibly difficult for adolescents with autism, while others found lockdowns more manageable.

“In some adolescents with autism, we have found that the Covid-19 concept is very stressful, frightening and requires strict rules to be followed. Have not left home because [around Covid-19].. They also missed educational support and found that self-regulation at home was difficult. [extra educational classes for children with autism and other special needs] It was very important,” he explains.

However, Harris says that another cohort of adolescents with autism has less lockdown stress because they have a slower life and did not have to interact with different people on a daily basis. .. However, when the school reopens, both groups will need help to adapt to the new protocols and rules.

To support the transition to this school, I Am has created a comprehensive autistic-friendly learning resource entitled Mary Immaculate College of Education in Limerick.

This booklet is available free of charge throughout the SuperValu Store. Ireland, Autistic students advise how to prepare for school, manage time, and keep organized throughout the day. It also includes a section for youth to fill out so they can focus on their new year.

So, for example, school returnees have the opportunity to write down their concerns and how to deal with them, and fill in their student profile about what they like, dislike, what they are good at, and how people can help. Give them.

Students will also be encouraged to keep up with their exercise and activities during the summer and will be in perfect shape and health at the beginning of the school year. Activities such as self-esteem scrapbooks and merit cards help increase student resilience during these unusual times.

“The purpose of this document is to provide parents, teachers, and special needs assistants with hands-on activities to support students with autism so that they can reconnect to their activities and develop their skills. is.

Visual change

Isoldering I am preparing for the summer with an autistic student who is a secondary school teacher and is preparing to go on to her diploma class in September.

“We are reading books, learning how to play chess and playing guitar lessons, but we also take social distance walks to stay fit. We do most of our work outdoors. “I’m doing this in,” explains Ring. She says the Bridge Back to School is a useful resource because students can bring the completed sections back to school when they return.

According to Harris, families and schools need to prepare young people with autism for changing school conditions. These include any visual or behavioral changes that the student requires. Therefore, it is necessary to explain how the signs and symptoms of Covid-19, posters explaining correct hand-washing techniques and respiratory hygiene are available.

This can be done using a school photo/virtual tour or by allowing the students to visit the school for an hour or so and then resume for all students. Preparation is especially important for children/teenagers with autism who are transitioning from kindergarten to primary school and from primary to secondary school.

Fiona, the parent of an autistic child, is concerned.

“I look forward to a more routine and structured son meeting his friends and socializing again during the week. He’s been so far away that he’s been returning to school I’m afraid it’ll take a long time, and I’m afraid he’ll step back,” she says.

Shane, a 9-year-old boy with autism, also has mixed emotions.

“I want to go back to school to learn fun, learn more, and learn more. But in a mood like 10 months, I’ve met friends and teachers I’ve never met. I think it’s weird to think of going back to. I’m not looking forward to where I have to be told or what other people are doing. Let’s do,” he says.

Lenor GoodA mother with six children, four of whom are in the autism spectrum, said her children responded differently to lockdown.

“The 9-year-old girl loved reading and facts, and she and I and her 12-year-old child found it easier to stay at home, but the 3-year-old wanted to go out.”

Personal space

Good blogging about a family’s autistic journey, Six and stick out, The teacher plays a big role in the life of the family.

“Having the right approach and the right teachers makes a big difference. Teachers are often unaware that children affect far more people’s days than they spend at school. Hmm.”

Adam Harris.

Adam Harris.

Harris says it’s important for students to have time to process change and know what to expect.

“We don’t have the kindness about social distances, which may be difficult to maintain, because not all autistic people have a good idea of ​​an individual’s space and their body’s perception of space. Need understanding.

He also states that government guidelines on wearing masks are important to exempt people who cannot wear face masks because of sensory issues. of Asian websites Included is a letter that can be carried to explain why an autistic person is not wearing a face mask and why.

Overall, Harris believes it is important to take a proactive approach to returning to education. “Parents with children with autism are worried that they can’t catch up or spend too much time trying to get back where they were and failing to meet development milestones. There are many talented teachers and special needs assistants who have adopted the learning approach of

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