Getting new weight loss drugs isn't easy
By now, it is clear that new weight loss and diabetes drugs have achieved blockbuster status. Semaglutide (sold as Ozempic for diabetes and Wigovy for weight loss) and tirzepatide (sold as Munjaro for diabetes and Zepbound for weight loss) work in the following ways: One or more natural hormones, including glucagon-like peptide-1, that act in several ways. These increase insulin production, slow digestion (so you feel full longer), and signal your brain to stop eating because you're full. It's different than before. Weight loss drugs are very effective at helping you lose and maintain your weight by about 15% to 20% of your body weight, and they have relatively few side effects (although some people can't tolerate the side effects). Some patients experience side effects), resulting in high demand for semaglutide and tirzepatide. In the last three months of 2022 alone, U.S. health care providers wrote more than 9 million prescriptions for these and similar drugs, according to a report from analytics firm Trilliant Health. The same analysis found that quarterly prescriptions jumped 300% from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2022. Unfortunately, supply has not kept up with the surge in popularity. Some people order medications online or through pharmacies, but both can be gambling. In other countries, counterfeit versions have resulted in hospitalizations. Pharmaceutical giants Novo Nordisk (maker of Ozempic and Wegoby) and Eli Lilly (maker of Munjaro and Zepbound) are busy not only maintaining the status quo but also expanding manufacturing. The market is expected to only grow, with a Goldman Sachs report predicting that by 2030, 13% of U.S. adults (approximately 15 million people) will be taking one of these drugs for weight loss. I predict that it is possible. “This is expected to be the largest class of drugs,” I said. Keep thinking about it,'' CNN medical correspondent Meg Tyrrell recently told his colleague Dr. Sanjay Gupta on his podcast, Chasing Life. “The projections I've seen are that annual revenues from this class of drugs by 2030 will be in the region of $100 billion,” said Tyrrell, who has been reporting on the explosive growth of these drugs even before the pandemic. . You can listen to more of their conversation below. Due to high demand and low supply, there are a few things to keep in mind if you plan to try any of these drugs. Tyrrell offers his five tips: Don't do it alone. These are not drugs you want to start on your own. “It's working,'' Tyrrell said. “A trusted health care provider can work with you to assess which options are best for you and monitor the safety, effectiveness, and tolerability of the medication.” Another. One advantage, she said, is that your doctor can help make sure you get the official version. of these drugs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and drug companies have warned that “combined versions now widely sold online contain unapproved ingredients and may pose safety risks.” Be prepared for trouble. The most common side effect of these drugs is gastrointestinal upset. “These drugs are given by injection and are designed to start at low doses and increase over time to help patients get used to them,” Tyrrell said. Side effects are also one of the reasons. It is important to work closely with your doctor and other health care providers. “They'll help us get through this safely,” Tyrrell said, “and they'll keep an eye out for more serious problems that have been reported, albeit infrequently. “It is expected that some doses will be in short supply and may be difficult to find.” WeGoBe, the manufacturer of WeGoBe, said it is limiting the starting dose of the drug to ensure people who are already taking the drug can continue taking it, Tyrrell said. “So it can be difficult to find, especially for new patients. Zepbound, the newly approved weight loss drug from Eli Lilly, may be easier to find. But if you can't find either Once again, caution should be exercised when considering the sale of counterfeit products.'' “Eli Lilly recently announced that certain compounded products claiming to be its medicines are simply sugar alcohols.'' “Your doctor's office may be able to help you find a pharmacy that carries the medicines they have in stock,” Tyrrell said. “If not, they may work with you to find other options.” Many employers and Medicare don't cover them.'' Pharmaceutical companies sometimes don't cover them. While there is financial assistance available, the lack of insurance coverage is frustrating for many, Tyrrell said. “You can find out if your insurance covers drugs by calling the number on your insurance card or on your insurance company's website, or by checking your plan's prescriptions online.” If it doesn't cover you or requires “prior authorization,” contact your doctor's office. Tyrrell said it may help solve these problems. “Some offices have to hire additional staff just to handle all the additional paperwork,” she says. “Otherwise, some doctors prescribe older, common weight loss drugs that may be helpful for some patients. These drugs are not suitable for everyone. For many people, certain There's a lot of cultural pressure to look that way.'' Not everyone who wants these drugs needs these drugs. You necessarily have to get them, and not everyone who is technically eligible to get them wants it,” Tyrrell said. “In the case of weight loss drugs, appearance can affect external perceptions of health, but whether or not to take the drug is a personal decision in consultation with your doctor.”
It's clear by now that new weight loss and diabetes drugs have become blockbusters.
Semaglutide (sold as Ozempic for diabetes and Wegovy for weight loss) and tirzepatide (sold as Mounjaro for diabetes and Zepbound for weight loss) work by mimicking one or more natural hormones, including glucagon-like peptide-1. and works in several ways. : They increase insulin production, slow down digestion (so you feel full longer), and signal your brain to stop eating because you feel full.
Unlike previous weight loss drugs, quite effective It helps people lose between 15% and 20% of their body weight and maintain that weight, and has relatively few side effects (although some people cannot tolerate the side effects, and some patients may experience serious side effects).
As a result, demand for semaglutide and tirzepatide is increasing. In the last three months of 2022 alone, U.S. health care providers wrote more than 9 million prescriptions for these and similar drugs, according to a report from analytics firm Trilliant Health. The same analysis found that quarterly prescriptions increased by 300% from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2022.
Unfortunately, supply has not kept up with the growing popularity.some people relied on it order medicine online or via dispensing pharmacy, both can be gambling. In other countries, fake versions exist. led to hospitalization.
Pharmaceutical giants Novo Nordisk (maker of Ozempic and Wegoby) and Eli Lilly (maker of Munjaro and Zepbound) are working hard not only to maintain this status quo, but also to expand their manufacturing operations. The market is expected to continue to grow: A Goldman Sachs report It is predicted that by 2030, 13% of U.S. adults (approximately 15 million people) may take one of these drugs for weight loss.
CNN medical correspondent Meg Tyrrell recently told her colleague Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the Chasing Life podcast that “this is expected to be one of the largest medicines in history.” “The projections I've seen are that the annual revenue from this class of drugs will be around $100 billion by 2030.”
Tyrrell has been reporting on the explosion of these drugs even before the pandemic. You can listen to more of their conversation below.
Due to high demand and low supply, there are a few things to keep in mind if you are thinking of trying one of these drugs. Tyrrell offers his five tips:
don't go alone
These are not drugs you want to start on your own.
“If you're considering using these drugs, it's important to talk to a trusted health care provider. Like all prescription drugs, they have powerful effects,” Tyrrell said. “A trusted health care provider can work with you to assess which options are best for you and monitor the safety, effectiveness, and tolerability of the medication.”
Another benefit, she said, is that your doctor can help make sure you have access to the official versions of these medications. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and drug companies have warned that compound versions now widely sold online contain unapproved ingredients and may pose safety risks.
Prepare for stomach troubles
The most common side effects of these drugs are gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.
“These drugs are given by injection and are designed to start at low doses and increase over time to help patients get used to them,” Tyrrell said.
Side effects are another reason why it is important to work closely with your doctor or other health care provider. “They can help us get through this safely and keep an eye out for more serious problems, although they are rare,” Tyrrell said. report. ”
Some obstacles are expected
Some doses are in short supply and may be difficult to find.
“Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Wegovy, said: Restrict “We set the starting doses of the drug low to ensure that people who are already taking the drug can continue to take it,” Tyrrell said, adding, “That can make it harder to find, especially for new patients. “There is,” he said. Zepbound, a newly approved weight loss drug from Eli Lilly, may be easier to find. However, if you can't find either, be careful when considering copycat versions sold online. ”
Eli Lilly said recently One compounded product that claimed to be the drug was nothing more than a sugar alcohol.
“Your doctor may be able to help you find a pharmacy that stocks the medication,” Tyrrell said. “If not, they may work with you to identify other options.”
Insurance coverage may be difficult
Out-of-pocket costs for these weight loss drugs are approximately $1,000 or more per month and are available through many employers and Medicare. do not cover they.
“Pharmaceutical companies sometimes offer financial assistance, but many people are frustrated by the lack of insurance coverage,” Tyrrell said. “You can find out if your insurance covers the drug by calling the number on your insurance card or your insurance company's website, or by checking your plan's prescriptions online.”
If your plan doesn't cover medications or requires “prior authorization,” your doctor's office can help resolve these issues, Tyrrell says.
“Some offices have to hire additional staff just to handle all the additional paperwork,” she says. “Otherwise, some doctors may prescribe it.” older, a generic weight loss drug that helps some patients. ”
These drugs are not suitable for everyone
For many people, the cultural pressure to look a certain way is strong.
“Not everyone who wants these drugs should necessarily take them, and not everyone who is technically eligible to take them will want to take them,” Tyrrell said. “In the case of weight loss drugs, appearance can affect external perceptions of health, but whether or not to take the drug is a personal decision in consultation with your doctor.”
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