Like second-hand smoke, second-hand vaping can be harmful to children: new study
We all know that second-hand cigarette smoke is bad. The dangers of exposure to tobacco smoke, especially for children, are has long been known to cause Illnesses ranging from asthma attacks and infections to sudden infant death syndrome.
However, less is known about the effects of prolonged exposure to e-cigarette vapor. Some researchers recently set out to find an answer to that question.
a recent research Announced at this month's conference National Pediatric Nurse Association We've found that the second-hand “smoke,” or vapor, from e-cigarettes and e-cigarettes can actually have the same effects on children as traditional cigarettes and cigarettes.
How researchers studied the effects of exposure to second-hand e-cigarettes
the studyconducted by researchers. Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing and Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University; evaluated the effects of exposure to second-hand e-cigarettes through multiple measures in children aged 4 to 12 years.
Traditionally, blood tests are considered the standard for assessing the effects of second-hand smoke, but the research team is using a less invasive method to determine what adult children who vape are being exposed to. Saliva and breath tests were also used. They then compared this to a control group of children who were not regularly exposed to e-cigarette vapor.
Researchers found that the children in the study who regularly smoked e-cigarettes had more metabolites, or molecules, associated with the chemicals found in e-cigarettes in their bodies. . These can disrupt dopamine levels in the body, cause inflammation, and cause cell damage due to: oxidative stress. This cell damage is associated with many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
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Not a harmless tobacco substitute
In the 2000s, many manufacturers turned to vaping and electronic cigarettes as laws and regulations regarding traditional tobacco products became stricter. Although they have been primarily marketed towards younger audiences, Leading to laws banning flavors It is thought to be appealing to children as well as to those trying to quit smoking or looking for a “less harmful” way to consume tobacco.
Electronic cigarettes as we now know them were widely introduced in America in 2007. By 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared It does not consider e-cigarettes to be a legal smoking cessation aid and called on manufacturers to remove such claims from their marketing materials. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that by 2011, e-cigarettes will be regulated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, just like traditional cigarettes and tobacco products.
However, there is a persistent misconception that electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarettes are “better” or harmless than traditional cigarettes.
“Many smokers switch to e-cigarette use because they believe it is safer for themselves and those around them,” said Jeannie Rodriguez, associate professor at Emory College of Nursing and lead author of the study. he stated in his paper. Statement released by the university. “However, the liquid used in e-cigarettes contains chemicals that are dangerous to you and your loved ones who are exposed to the vapors you exhale.”
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Parents are largely unaware that e-cigarettes cause passive smoking
After the study, a focus group of parents was informed of the results. Many people seemed surprised to hear how harmful vaping is around children. According to the researchers.
More than half (11 out of 19) of parents who use e-cigarettes believe that vaping around their children is a “minor or no health risk.” I answered. Additionally, 12 out of 22 parents who used these products said they were unsure whether exposure to e-cigarette vapor was harmful to their children, according to the magazine. Research presentation.
Several parents shared that they turned to e-cigarettes as a tool to reduce or quit cigarette use, and that e-cigarettes are healthier and safer overall than traditional cigarette use. I expressed my belief.
One parent quoted in the study said, “At least in my mind, and I say this all the time to people who ask, the appeal of e-cigarettes is that e-cigarettes are probably more appealing to me than cigarettes.'' About 95% of respondents said it was better than smoking.” “To me it seems to be portrayed as a healthier version,” said another.
Others said their bodies felt better while vaping and they began to think they were better overall, while others said the simple power of addiction turned them away from vaping. He stated that this was the reason why he directed him.
“If you're vaping and you're ready to quit, talk to your health care provider, family and friends,” Rodriguez said. statement. “You may need support from those around you to be successful. Think of your past attempts to quit smoking not as failures, but as training opportunities to ultimately succeed in quitting. Don't give up.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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