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Do you exercise day or night? Which is best if you have obesity?

Do you exercise day or night? Which is best if you have obesity?


A group of people running at night.Share on Pinterest
Exercising at night has more health benefits for people living with obesity or overweight.Henrik Sorensen/Getty Images
  • Nighttime exercise may be best for people living with obesity, according to a new study.
  • Exercise at night was associated with a lower risk of early death.
  • It was also associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular and microvascular disease.
  • Exercising at night can help improve your sleep and metabolic health.
  • It's important to consult your doctor and start any new exercise regimen slowly.

Exercise is important If you are living with obesity.Helps you burn more calories, build muscle and reduce calories Visceral fat. Your mood will also improve, making it easier to stay motivated to make healthier lifestyle choices.

However, many people have busy schedules and want to make sure they get the most out of their exercise. So, are there certain times of the day that are better for physical activity than others?

according to study Published in magazine on April 10, 2024 diabetes careIf your goal is to get in better shape, exercising at night may be most beneficial to your health.

How often you engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity in the evening also appears to be important.

In fact, researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia say it may be more important than how much exercise you do throughout the day.

The study involved approximately 30,000 obese patients aged 40 and older, of whom approximately 3,000 were obese. type 2 diabetes. They were followed for almost eight years.

Study participants were asked to wear one. activity tracker This is to determine when you've done moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise (the type of activity that makes you breathe harder and your heart beat faster).

People were categorized according to whether they did more aerobic exercise in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Researchers also looked at how often people participated in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Every time he enters this zone for more than three minutes, this counts as one game for him.

After analyzing the data, the researchers found that people who engaged in moderate to vigorous activity in the evening (6pm to midnight) had the lowest risk of premature death.

They were also less likely to die from cardiovascular disease (conditions such as heart attack, heart failure, and stroke). microvascular disease (a condition in which the small arteries of the heart are not functioning properly).

As for frequency, aerobic The results showed that this appeared to be more important than the total amount of physical activity people performed throughout the day.

however, press release, co-lead author Dr. Matthew Ahmadi stressed that they were not tracking structured movements. Because of this, it is impossible to determine exactly what people were doing.

He also pointed out that because it was an observational study, it was impossible to determine the direction of causality. People may already be exercising less because they have certain health conditions.

Sergius Ptsov He has a PhD in sports science and is head of sports science at Trokti Weightlifting, pointing out several benefits that evening exercise can have for obese people.

“Exercising at night has great benefits.” improve sleep quality To regulate the body clock and promote the release of toxins in the body, melatonina hormone important in sleep regulation,” he said.

It also has a relaxing effect, says Putsov. reduce stressit will be easier to fall asleep and sleep better.

“Being physically active later in the day is also associated with improved metabolic function,” he added. insulin sensitivity, increased calorie consumption, and fat oxidation. ”

Finally, Putsov said that exercising in the evening can help you relax and relieve tension.

“[I]triggers the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters It is known to promote a sense of well-being and well-being,” he explained.

Andrew White, Certified Personal Trainer garage gym pro,said. new exercise routineIt can be daunting, especially for people living with obesity. ”

He said it's important to see a doctor to ease things gradually. Discuss any physical limitations you may have so you can get off to a safe start.

Once your doctor gives you the go-ahead, White advises starting slowly.

“Start with low-impact, moderate-intensity activities that are low-impact and don't cause discomfort, such as walking. swimmingcycling, and resistance training,” he suggested. “Gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness improves.”

White also says to set goals that are realistic and achievable for yourself. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you stay motivated.

Additionally, it's good to incorporate variety into your daily life.

“Varify your workouts and ensure a balanced approach to fitness to prevent injuries from boredom or overuse,” he advised.

It's also important to pay attention to how your body is responding.

“It’s important to push yourself to move forward, but not to push yourself too hard to the point of injury or injury.” burnout syndrome” said White.

Finally, White suggests getting support from others. group exercise class, personal trainer, or friend. This will help you feel responsible and make exercise more enjoyable.

White concludes, “Evening exercise may have certain benefits for people who are obese, but the most important factor is finding a routine that is fun, sustainable, and fits your lifestyle.” Ta.

“Regardless of the time of day, regular physical activity “It's a key component to managing obesity and improving overall health,” he said.

A new study has found that evening exercise is most beneficial for obese people.

Also, how often you engage in moderate-to-vigorous activity in the evening appears to be more important than how much activity you engage in throughout the day.

People who exercise at night have a lower risk of premature death cardiovascular diseasemicrovascular disease.

Exercising at night may be helpful for obese people because it contributes to better sleep and improved metabolic health.

If you're living with obesity, it's important to get your doctor's approval and start slowly. You should also set realistic goals and pay attention to your body's reactions.

Vary your workouts and get support from others to stay motivated.




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