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Bollywood couple style: Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal turned heads three times in coordinated outfits

Bollywood couple style: Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal turned heads three times in coordinated outfits


Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal have established themselves as one of the most stylish celebrity couples in Bollywood. They have the talent to effortlessly coordinate their outfits, whether they are wearing trendy western ensembles or stunning ethnic outfits. Their fashion choices are always modern, stylish and relevant.

Let's take a closer look at 3 remarkable occasions when Katrina and Vicky left fashion enthusiasts in awe with their impeccable couple style:

3 times Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal inspired us with their couple style:

The stylish western look:

The stylish couple recently wore the most stunning western ensembles, inspiring young couples with their style. The Tiger 3 actress wore a stunning floor-length gown with a flowy silhouette and intricate shimmering embroidery all over. The seductive V-neckline and accessories complemented the cut perfectly.

Meanwhile, the Dunki actor matched her in a cream shirt layered with a mocha brown top, teamed with ankle-length cream pants. Her ensemble was completed with dark sunglasses and brown formal shoes.

Bollywood Couple Style: Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal Turned Heads 3 Times in Coordinated Outfits (PC: Katrina Kaif Instagram)

The finesse of the floral print:

Floral patterned ensembles are extremely popular during the summer season, and the vibrant sarees worn by the Merry Christmas actress are undeniable proof of this trend. Recently, she adorned herself in a stunning white drape featuring a sophisticated traditional border and a plethora of multi-colored flowers, leaving us eager for more. To complete her outfit, she opted for minimalist accessories, adding the perfect finishing touch.

Actor Sam Bahadur coordinated his outfit by donning a white kurta with a neckline and detailed floral embroidery. He topped it off with matching, well-fitted, ankle-length pants, creating a captivating ethnic ensemble.

Bollywood Couple Style: Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal Turned Heads 3 Times in Coordinated Outfits (PC: Katrina Kaif Instagram)

Formal ethnic elegance:

Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal recently impressed everyone with their sense of style. Their elegant formal outfits really stood out. The Phone Bhoot actress looked stunning in a hot pink saree made from semi-sheer fabric. The saree was adorned with a chic golden border with intricate embroidery, perfectly complemented by a multi-colored floral blouse.

On the other hand, the Zara Hatke actor Zara Bachke wore an amazing cream colored kurta set with a collar with white buttons and intricate nature inspired embroidery all over. He paired it with matching white ankle-length pants with a fitted silhouette. He completed the ethnic look with matching formal shoes, and we loved his casual, breezy style.

Bollywood Couple Style: Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal Turned Heads 3 Times in Coordinated Outfits (PC: Katrina Kaif Instagram)

So, are you feeling inspired to up your couple's fashion game?

Which of these artfully coordinated outfits is your absolute favorite? Please comment below to immediately share your thoughts and opinions with us.

READ ALSO : Alia Bhatt, Mira Rajput to Deepika Padukone: 7 Stylish Celebrity-Inspired Kurta Sets for Summer 2024




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