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World News In Brief: Support for Haiti mission, challenge of commodity dependency, Iran's 'strict' hijab law

World News In Brief: Support for Haiti mission, challenge of commodity dependency, Iran's 'strict' hijab law


Kenya has offered to lead the multinational mission aimed at providing much-needed national police in a bid to regain control of the streets from the gang rule that has plunged the country into chaos in recent months.

Kenya was joined by the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Chad and Jamaica in pledging support. The UN Spokesperson's Office said other countries have expressed interest, including publicly, but have not yet notified the Secretary-General.

Currently, $18 million has been deposited into the Mission Support Trust Fund, provided by Canada ($8.7 million), France ($3.2 million) and the United States ($6 million).

Meanwhile, armed violence continues across the country, with Port-au-Prince and the Ouest department worst hit.

The situation also remains volatile at the national port, said UN spokesman Stephen Dujarric.

The fuel terminal in Varreux is now closed after several attacks by gangs. However, on a more positive note, our humanitarian colleagues tell us that in the last three weeks, more than 100 humanitarian containers were received at the Caribbean Port Service.

Meanwhile, the humanitarian response continues and the World Food Program (WFP) has provided daily food assistance to displaced people in Port-au-Prince and other departments.

The UN health agency WHO and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) have set up mobile clinics in places of displacement to provide medical consultations. Migration Agency IOM it also provides basic medical and psychosocial services to displaced persons.

The President of the General Assembly raises the alarm about commodity dependence

The President of the General Assembly on Friday appealed to Member States and interested parties address commodity dependence in countries and its effect on the global economy during an informal dialogue on the issue.

According to Dennis Francis, commodity dependence is a scenario where 60 percent or more of a country's export earnings depend on primary commodities, disproportionately affecting mainly developing countries.

While commodity markets are important to the global economy, over-reliance on commodities leaves countries and their citizens vulnerable to economic volatility, he said.

Mr. Francis called for the issue to be addressed urgently amid ongoing global discussions on debt sustainability and reform of the international financial architecture.

I believe that freedom from dependence on goods, although challenging, is achievable, said Mr. Frančesku.

Dependent nations

Based on the UN trade and development body UNCTADState of Commodity Dependence Report 85 percent of the world's least developed countries are commodity dependent along with many landlocked developing countries and small island developing states, leaving their economies vulnerable and very sensitive to external shocks.

The President of the Assembly said that the growth of two decades in the affected countries should ring the alarm bell for Member States as addressing the issue is necessary to reach the year 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Iranian police enforce strict hijab rules, OHCHR says

Police in Iran are cracking down on women and girls under the country's hijab laws, resulting in the arrest and harassment of girls between the ages of 15 and 17. said Jeremy Laurence, spokesman for the UN human rights office, OHCHRFriday.

Tehran's head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced on April 21 a new body that would allow them to enforce existing mandatory hijab laws; IRGC members are said to be allowed to enforce these laws in a more serious manner when in public.

OHCHR is concerned about the Supporting the Family Promoting a Culture of Chastity and Hijab bill, which, in its previous form, states that violators of the mandated dress code could face beatings, fines or up to 10 years in prison .

Mr Laurence reiterated that corporal punishment is arbitrary under international law.

As the bill nears final approval by the Guardian Council, OHCHR is calling for it to be shelved.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Trk, is calling on the Iranian government to eliminate all forms of gender-based discrimination and violence, including revising and repealing harmful laws, policies and practices, in compliance with international human rights. norms and standards.




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