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Manscaped Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra review: The ultimate cropping tool for hairy men

Manscaped Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra review: The ultimate cropping tool for hairy men


Over the years, grooming my teeth has become as important to me as my twice-daily toothbrushing routine. Struggling with hair growth all over my body was never an affliction I thought I would be affected by in my youth. Ah, how naive I was. Despite my best intentions, hair comes out of all unexpected areas and I have been looking for a tool for a long time that can combat various sprouts while remaining gentle on my skin.

I've tested many trimmers from the likes of Philips and Braun, but I didn't expect to find a device that solved my follicular conundrums from a body hair trimmer named after a gardening tool, the Manscaped Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra. Luckily, after two weeks of testing, it's much easier to manage than a real lawn mower, much gentler, and specifically designed to remove unwanted hair wherever I want it to go. Don't expect this to do a number on the grass in your yard.

The lawn mower shares a list with other garden-related devices with hilarious names, like the Beard Hedger and the Weed Whacker, which tackle facial and nostril hair respectively, but here I wanted to see if I could put away under the belt in time. for summer.

Frequent readers of GQ grooming content may be familiar with Manscaped 4.0, a tool I've hailed as one of the best hair trimmers on the market, and I couldn't really imagine what else could be added to give the new 5.0 its ultra moniker. The 4.0 was ready to use as a pubic hair trimmer, with a little light to light the way and skin-safe ceramic blades to cut down the bushes, so to speak.

The 5.0 takes it a step further with a removable head that can be swapped between the aforementioned blades and a foil razor, and this is where I think the world of men's body care generally falls flat. I've tested a lot of clippers, and more often than not, I'll have to buy two clippers; one for cutting longer hair and a razor for reducing the length of cut hair, so I'm happy to see a growing trend of multi-tools. Throughout testing, I was impressed with how quickly and easily I could simply navigate the follicles without fear of any tugs or cuts.

Manscaped 5.0 Ultra Lawn Mower

To help you navigate areas rarely touched by the sun, the same LED light from the 4.0 is present to give you clear direction on the spots you missed. Of course, the use of this light depends on how fluidly you plan to be in these areas. I'm not an amateur road cyclist, so I didn't completely shave absolutely everywhere, but the dual-head combo made short work of the hair I could easily access, and it felt that it gave me the same results I got with hair. elimination gels.

I don't like to keep my entire body squeaky clean, but based on my testing on the usual areas, I was happy with its ease of use and the quality of the results. It can attack legs, back, chest, arms, armpits and even your beard if you're desperate. The simple addition of the foil shaver gives you the freedom to shave as close as you want, and during my brief time with the device, I suffered no cuts while using it.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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