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It's (almost) time for the Met Gala. Here's how to watch fashion's big night and what you need to know

It's (almost) time for the Met Gala.  Here's how to watch fashion's big night and what you need to know


NEW YORK Attention all fashionistas: this is Met Gala time. Yes, the first Monday in May is upon us.

Looking to follow? here is a quick primer on what you need to know about the palooza of A-list celebrities from film, fashion, music, sports, politics and social media.


It's delicate. Vogue is offering an exclusive live stream, which begins at 6 p.m. Eastern at The feed will also be available on Vogues digital platforms, including TikTok and YouTube.

Many other media will also be on site. Catch the action on E!, also starting at 6 p.m., with live streams on X, TikTok, Instagram and Peacock.

The Associated Press will be live outside the Mark Hotel, where many celebrities get ready before heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to climb the grand staircase. This live stream will begin at 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time and will be available on Youtube And

Only red carpet events are visible, the cocktail and gala dinner are notoriously private events.

It's a party, of course, with cocktails and dinner for about 400 guests, but it's also a huge fundraiser for the Mets Costume Institute, the only museum department required to be self-funding. Last year, the gala raised about $22 million. Anna Wintour, a Met administrator, for whom part of the institute was renamed, organizes the whole shebang. No phones are allowed, which adds to the appeal.


There is a dress code each year linked to the museum's spring exhibition. Some guests, not all, mobilized at Wintour's request. This year's theme is The Garden of Time, inspired by JG Ballard's 1962 short story of the same name. It's a fragile fashion issue given the specificity of last year's theme: all things Karl Lagerfeld. Flowers, and more flowers, are expected this time. Vintage will probably be important too.


It's called Sleeping beauties: the awakening of fashion. But we weren't talking about fairy tales or Disney princesses. It includes 250 pieces from the Costume Institutes' permanent collection, including garments very rarely seen in public and so fragile that they must be placed under glass. The conservatives wanted to appeal to all the senses, including that of smell. They worked with an olfactory artist. And there is one item of clothing that actually grows. Part of the idea is to pay homage to the natural world. The exhibition opens to the public on Friday and will run until September 2.


Being called upon by Wintour as co-chair is a big deal. This year's class is Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez, Bad Bunny and Chris Hemsworth. This is Hemsworth's first Met Gala. Shou Chew, CEO of TikTok, and Jonathan Anderson, creative director of Loewe, are honorary chairs. Companies also sponsor galas and exhibitions.


Who will be there is top secret, but Rihanna has announced she will be there. Shell will probably be accompanied by her partner A$AP Rocky. Other A-list co-stars likely to be in attendance, as their loved ones welcome them: Ben Affleck and Tom Holland. Lily Gladstone said she would be there. Who we want to see: Ayo Edebiri.Taylor Swift looks like a no, and her boyfriend Travis Kelce definitely won't be there. Dua Lipa leaves.

Follow APs Met Gala coverage, including live updates and live video, at




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