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Yellowstone visitors panic after the deafening roar in the park: “What was that in the world?” | Science News


The park hosts the ill-fated Yellowstone Volcano – a massive volcano that gets its name because of its ability to cause countless damage in the event of an eruption. The area is located below the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and the area is constantly monitored by the USGS (United States Geological Survey) for evidence that such a eruption is on its way. However, geologists were left scrambling on the evening of August 17, 1959, during the Hepgen Lake earthquake that would inevitably create a new lake on the Madison River after a landslide.

The devastating 7.3-magnitude earthquake killed 28 people and caused more than 9 million pounds (200 million pounds today), and the stories of survivors are no less than sobriety.

Historian Larry Morris recalls the epic sweeping every minute in his book “The 1959 Yellowstone Earthquake”.

He writes: “It was a warm night on the mountains.

Like many others, Tootie Greene and her husband, Ray, and their son, Steve, arrived the night before.

The Lake Hepgene earthquake caused consternation in Yellowstone (Photo: Getty / USGS)

The earthquake caused a mess in the garden (Image: USGS)

“Steve was planning to sleep in his private room – across from the 18-foot tent – but Ray and Totti moved him to their house when he didn’t feel well.

They almost fell asleep when they woke up to the ground rolling underneath it like the ocean wave, and as Totti said, “Noise you can’t believe.”

Compare Ray’s roar with a train: “It was like an old steam engine locomotive at full speed, just a hundred times louder. “

Mr. Morris went into detail how a camp member came from death.

He added, “Totti opened the door of the tent and saw the water, rocks and trees flowing towards them.

Read more: “Earth May Explode At Any Moment” How the massive USGS Yellowstone Earthquake put alert

Roads inside the park were destroyed (Photo: USGS)

She shouted at Ray, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Most of the tent collapsed, and Ray could hardly get Steve’s head and arms out into the knot.

“Steve grabbed and pulled him out of the tent.

“The next thing Totti knew, they had Steve in the front seat of the station wagon.

“Ray started the car and tried to drive towards the road, but the same tree that struck the tent settled under the car and left it moving.”

Many were locked up in their camps (Image: USGS)

Trained nurse, Tootie put all hands on the deck to help.

“The tree passed through part of the tents that Steve used to sleep in,” said Mr. Morris.

She later said, “If he had been there, he would have become pregnant.”

“The air was filled with the smell of sulfur, and people were crying to help in the dark, and soon more injured victims began arriving.

“I was busy with the help of everyone we could, I used towels, sheets, everything I could for dressing,” Tootie recalled.

“I was shocked by my nursing experience, but my first aid training was very helpful for dressing these people.”

The park hosting the massive Yellowstone volcano (Photo: Getty Images)

But the family was not alone.

Mr. Morris explained other horrific notes.

And Grover, 71, and his wife, Lillian, 68, from Temple City, California, woke up to their swinging trailer back and forth.

Grover exclaimed, “What the hell is this? It must be a bear trying to enter.”

But Lillian shouted, “No, it’s an earthquake.”

The next thing Grover knew was, “Everything was upside down,” she knocked the broken trailer and fell to the right side of the river.

The husband had to crush hard to get himself out of their sunken house.

Mr. Morris wrote: “Grover blows in the dark for some clothes to reach Lillian, but then he realizes that their house was drowning.

The water was reaching his chin as it came out and crawled over the trailer.

“He wore some pants, a shirt, a blouse, and wrapped another piece of clothing around Lilian.”

Just three weeks later, the damned river created a lake more than 50 meters deep that now covers an area five miles long and a third wide.

Today, tourists to the area can stop at the Earthquake Lake Visitor Center, 27 miles northwest of Yellowstone, to revive the atrocities of more than half a century.

The “Yellowstone Earthquake of 1959” was published by The History Press in 2016 and is available for purchase here.

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