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Here’s how to lose weight without dieting


When a patient grabbed a bag of sausage rolls and potato chips and rolled into the office, his first idea was to “take responsibility and go on a diet.” However, Dr. Andrew Jenkinson’s attitude has since changed. And in a fascinating new book, “Why We Eat (Too Much),” he explains why.

Jenkinson is a British surgeon who specializes in bariatric surgery, performing gastrointestinal surgery to help people lose weight. He was the first to admit to judging some of the patients swallowing fat foods. Still, after hearing that countless obese patients were in a trap and could not lose weight no matter how hard he tried, he focused on appetite to metabolism. His conclusion: It all depends on the weight setpoint.

What are Weight Set Points?

It is the level of energy or fat storage that our brain calculates as needed for our survival. On a chronic diet, the weight settings change. The more diets you have, the higher your weight settings and the slower your metabolism.

This is because your body wants to protect you. Dieting often doesn’t get enough kilojoules, so try not to hit your body with anything. You may lose weight while on a diet, but as soon as you stop it, you will soon lose weight. Jenkinson explains in his book how to reset weight settings. He says that it’s not a miracle diet and it’s not a quick fix.

This is a way to send a signal to the body to change the weight set point, the extra kilogram will slowly drop, but it is enough.

getting started

So, instead of going to a diet, you decided to cook better quality food and exercise a few times a week. Note that this change does not include kilojoule counts. It only improves some habits. As a result, there is no dramatic weight loss, and perhaps no weight loss for weeks or months (in fact, if the exercise you did was weight, you might even gain from muscle gain).

However, if you continue to have a better diet and exercise habits, your message will eventually reach your weight settings after a few months. Your settings will go down, and maybe months later you’ll weigh 4.5kg. After a year, your weight will be 10kg lighter. However, unlike a weight loss diet, your body will be happy with this weight loss. You don’t have a greedy appetite or low metabolism because your actual weight matches your weight settings.

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In fact, because you are more physically fit now, your metabolic rate will increase and everything will become easier and easier over time. This weight makes your body peaceful. This is an example of weight loss by lowering the weight setting.

Be realistic

An important part of preparing for weight loss-weight loss in the long run-is to have realistic expectations. Success in weight loss depends on how honest you and you are with what you can achieve wisely. If you gain a lot of weight in adulthood, your body will be biologically different and you will rarely reach your weight at age 18 even with optimal lifestyle changes. If you have a strong obesity gene, or if you are from a “big” family, you’ll rarely be slim. The expectation of losing weight and being healthy and happy is much more achievable.

Preparing the home environment

Reduce set- Eat it-and cooking is the best way to achieve this. Points can only be achieved by changing the environmental signal they are receiving. If you need a sustained weight loss, you can’t rely on “industrialized” or processed foods. This is because there is too much sugar, wheat and vegetable oil. The best way to ensure that you have a dish that suits you is to buy and cook fresh ingredients. This is a very important point. Only succeed if you understand which food to eat. And it only lasts if the food is delicious and you are looking forward Eat it-and cooking is the best way to achieve this.

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Change signal

We know from the dieter’s statements that eating less (by dieting) and increasing exercise (by whipping in the gym) can actually lead to short-term weight loss. However, this is followed by the body’s metabolic adaptations (decreased metabolism and increased fasting hormones), followed by weight gains that are often heavier than before a meal. Your body is scared of higher weight settings. So let’s try something else. Instead of a diet, it modifies the environmental signals that our body is picking up.

These signals reset the weight setpoint to a lower level. Second, hormone and metabolic signals push weight down. As a result, you’ll notice a natural decrease in appetite and a natural increase in metabolism, making you feel more energetic and alive. Method is as follows.

The first step focuses on lowering your average daily insulin levels, but at the same time you can eat really well. The insulin level moves the weight setting up and down. They are controlled by the type of food we eat. The major contributors to insulin spikes in our current Western diet are sugar, wheat and corn.

Replace these with more natural foods that do less damage to our metabolism. In this part of our plan we flood our bodies with delicious and nutritious foods. The kilojoule limit does not impact your body. This part of the plan is designed to help you get out of your addiction to sugar-rich foods while at the same time encouraging you to cook delicious and tasty foods.

The simple steps for this step are:

1 Eat three meals a day.

2 Have a high fat/protein and low carb breakfast.

Three Cook/prepare your own food.

Four Avoid sugar, wheat, corn, and fruit juices.

Five Clean the snack pantry as needed Clean up the cupboard and refrigerator for foods you want to avoid, including sugar-containing snacks, and put in nutritious alternatives.

The house must have no bread. All foods including wheat should go. These include biscuits, cakes, crackers, and many types of processed foods. No sweet snacks or sweets are available. Replace the “treat” box with a fresh bowl of fresh fruit. Avoid pre-packed fruit juices and dried fruits as they can suddenly cause sugar bombs. Keep healthy foods such as meat, cheese, boiled eggs, yogurt, and full-fat milk in the refrigerator.

Vegan options include hummus or salsa dips, sliced ​​vegetables, avocados, rice cakes, baked vegetable chips, and dried coconut or dark (sugar-free) chocolate. Limit to a maximum of 2 fruits per day. Avoid the low-fat, perhaps healthy, kind of breakfast we were told to eat.

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