Rothys vs Vivaia 2024 – The Forbes Ranking
In theory, all flats should be comfortable, or at least more comfortable than heels. But a lack of cushioning and arch support can lead to foot pain after a few hours of walking in flats. Rothys And Vivaia are two brands well known for making shoes that are almost as comfortable and cozy as sneakers. So we asked ourselves, which are the best flat shoes Rothys or Vivaia?
To accurately compare the two brands, we selected a similar pair of best-selling flats from each: Rothys The Apartment And Vivaias Margot 2.0The two shoes have a lot in common (including a stretchy upper and a V-shaped vamp), but there are subtle nuances that set them apart. Below, we've done an in-depth comparison of the Rothys The Flat and Vivaias Margot 2.0 based on comfort, fit, style, durability, and price so you can decide which one is right for you. Scroll down to find out our final verdict.
Rothys vs Vivaia: A Brief Overview
Rothys is a San Francisco-based company founded by two friends, Stephen Hawthornthwaite and Roth Martin. Their goal was to create shoes that were extraordinarily comfortable, environmentally friendly, and could be thrown in the washing machine when they got dirty. The duo then launched Rothys in 2016, and the brand now has a thriving e-commerce business and 23 stores across the country.
Vivaia was launched a few years later, in 2020, by Marina Chen, a shoe expert who set out to create eco-friendly shoes with sneaker-like comfort. Today, it’s a hugely popular global e-commerce brand headquartered in China with 10 retail stores (none in the U.S. yet, but the company has opened pop-up stores). In case you’re wondering about the origins of the unusual name, the “V”s and “A”s represent their different shoe models, and the double “I” symbolizes the plastic bottles used to make the shoes, according to Vivaia.
Rothys vs Vivaia: Comfort
With three kids, I spend hours waiting on the side of the road at sports tournaments and walking miles from parking lots. The soles of my feet and heels usually start to hurt after about an hour if I'm not wearing running shoes. I've tested both Rothys The Apartment And Vivaias Margot 2.0 and both were comfortable and plush all day long. The Rothys removable insole is evenly cushioned and plush (and slightly bouncy) while the Vivianas removable molded insole offers more arch and heel support as well as a heel cushion to prevent blisters. However, I found the Rothys flat rubber outsole to be more comfortable to walk on.
Flats tend to be too hot in the summer, but both the Rothys and the Vivaia were surprisingly breathable (especially the Vivaia). They both kept my feet from overheating, and it's been sweltering hot lately.
Rothys vs Vivaia: Adjustment
I had some difficulty with the fit of both shoes. Before I explain why, let me share two things. First: I wear a size 8 and have slightly wide feet, but I rarely have to size up or down. Second: I have flat feet and bunions, which are a real nightmare.
That being said, the Rothys were too narrow for me. They weren't necessarily feel too narrow, they are just look at too narrow as I have bunions that swell on both sides and you can see the outline of my toes through the stretchy knit upper of the shoes. However, I imagine that people with normal to narrow feet will find the fit perfectly. The apartment is not available in a wider width, but I probably could have benefited from sizing up to give my toes more breathing room.
Vivaia's size was even more of a headache. I ordered the Margot 2.0 in size 39 (the European equivalent of a US size 8). I had about an inch more width of space between the top of my toes and the front of the shoe, but the flats didn't slide around when I walked. The problem was that the sides would spread apart when I stood or walked, creating large gaps on either side of my feet. However, the shoes were comfortable in the toes, and the V-shaped upper provided good coverage and hid my bunions. Vivaia does have wide sizing, but this would have been too wide for me.
Rothys vs Vivaia: Style
In my opinion, the Rothys and Vivaia shoes are designed more for comfort than fashion. However, I found both flats to be very versatile: they pair well enough to wear with everything from dresses to jeans, skirts to shorts. Since summer, I've been wearing them mostly with skirts and shorts, and I love how the neutral tones and V-shaped vamps help to elongate my legs. Rothys have a dressier, lower upper and a small royal blue line surrounding the heel (that's a signature Rothys touch) while the Viviane has a trendy square toe and a bit of glitter woven into the fabric. My take: The Rothys has a more feminine and less utilitarian look.
Rothys Vs. Vivaia: Durability and Price
Both brands use eco-friendly practices and yarns created from recycled plastic water bottles. Vivaia also uses a unique shape-knitting process that reduces waste by 30% during the production process. Rothys ships its shoes in individual shoe boxes (no outer packaging is used), which saves on cardboard. Finally, both shoes are durable and washable, so they’re built to last. When your Rothys finally give up the ghost, you can bring them to a Rothys store to be recycled, as an added bonus. In terms of pricing, Rothys The Apartment is $129 and Vivaias Margot 2nd is $97. Since the shoes are very similar, the Vivaia offers a bit more value.
Final Thoughts
Both flat shoes are like lightweight sweaters for your feet, they are that comfortable. Plus, they're sustainably made and made from recycled water bottles. I found the sizing and fit to be a little off for both, but the Long live Margot 2.0 is the best choice for people with wide feet, flat feet or bunions (although you may need to choose a smaller size). For style, it's a tough choice, but Rothys The Apartment has a slightly more chic shape, so this would be my choice for everyday use.
Why Trust Forbes
Forbes Vetted contributor Lesley Rotchford has been writing about women's and men's fashion for 25 years. For this article, she tested the Rothys The Flat and the Vivaias Margot 2.o to see which ones stacked up best in terms of comfort, fit, and style. She researched both brands, then tested the shoes for two weeks, wearing them around the house, to lacrosse tournaments with her sons, and for everyday errands. Rotchford even wore both flats on a trip to Pennsylvania. A die-hard heel fan, she was so impressed with how comfortable these shoes were that she's considering switching to flats (at least occasionally).
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