The case of Bangalore 2024 | Counter-currents
In 2024, an incident in Bangalore highlighted the ongoing tensions between traditional cultural expressions and modern urban norms. The case, involving the denial of entry to a man dressed in a dhoti and kurta into a large shopping mall, sparked a widespread debate about cultural discrimination, the enforcement of dress codes, and the changing interpretation of modernity in Indian urban centers. Recently, a person in Bangalore, wearing a traditional dhoti and kurta, attempted to enter a Bangalore shopping mall. Security personnel stopped him at the entrance, citing the mall’s dress code policy. This seemingly simple denial of entry sparked a broader controversy, drawing attention to the cultural biases embedded in the dress code policies of many urban establishments.
Notable incidents of denial of entry into India due to dress
In 2015, a judge and two lawyers were denied entry to the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association Club because they were wearing dhotis. The incident sparked a backlash, with political leaders condemning the act. The Tamil Nadu government passed a bill banning dress discrimination in clubs, ensuring that people wearing traditional clothing could not be denied entry. In 2013, a Sikh man was denied entry to a five-star hotel in Delhi because he refused to remove his turban, which was against the hotel's dress code policy. The incident sparked outrage in the Sikh community and led to discussions about religious discrimination and the need for cultural sensitivity in dress code policies. In 2018, a Muslim woman wearing a hijab was denied entry to a popular restaurant in Bangalore. The incident sparked protests and calls for greater respect for religious dress. It highlighted the need for public establishments to be more inclusive and respectful of religious dress. In 2019, a woman was denied entry to an upscale nightclub in Kolkata because she was wearing a sari. The incident drew widespread criticism, with many arguing that traditional Indian dress should be celebrated, not discriminated against. The nightclub later apologized, but the incident raised questions about cultural bias in urban India. In 2016, men wearing lungis were denied entry to a popular bar in Kochi. The incident sparked a debate about class and cultural discrimination, with many pointing out that the lungi is a common and respected form of dress in Kerala. The bar faced backlash and was criticized for its discriminatory policy. In 2021, a man wearing a kurta was denied entry to an upscale restaurant in Mumbai because the establishment had a policy against traditional Indian clothing. The incident sparked public outcry and discussions about the colonial mindset that often underlies dress code policies at high-end establishments. The restaurant later revised its dress code policy.
These incidents highlight the ongoing cultural discrimination in public spaces in India based on dress. Each case has sparked public debate and, in some cases, led to policy changes aimed at promoting inclusion and respect for traditional and religious dress. They highlight the need for greater cultural sensitivity and inclusion in public spaces, ensuring that traditional dress is respected and accepted.
Cultural discrimination and dress codes
Dress codes in public and private spaces are often put in place to maintain decorum and uniformity. However, these codes can, unintentionally or intentionally, discriminate against traditional dress. In Mr. Kumar’s case, the dhoti and kurta, traditional Indian clothing, were deemed inappropriate, reflecting a bias that equates modernity with Western-style clothing. This incident highlights a form of cultural discrimination where traditional Indian clothing is marginalized in favor of Western fashion, which is considered more “appropriate” in an urban setting. Legal experts argue that while establishments have the right to impose dress codes, these policies must not infringe on individual rights or perpetuate cultural biases. The Constitution of India upholds the right to cultural expression, and any policy that discriminates against traditional clothing could be considered a violation of this fundamental right.
Interpreting Modernity in Urban India
In India, modernity is often viewed through a Western prism, especially in urban areas. This perspective is reflected in Western dress codes, which are seen as symbols of sophistication and progress. However, this narrow interpretation of modernity excludes traditional cultural expressions, creating a dichotomy where Western styles are modern and traditional attire is outdated. The Bangalore incident highlights the need to re-evaluate what modernity means in the Indian context. Modernity must be inclusive, embracing both global influences and local traditions. In a culturally diverse country like India, modernity must be a blend of the old and the new, where traditional attires like the dhoti and kurta are respected and accepted in urban environments.
Public reaction and societal implications
Public reaction to the incident was swift and virulent. Social media was flooded with criticism of the mall’s dress code, with hashtags like #DhotiNotAllowed and #RespectTraditionalWear gaining popularity. Many saw the incident as a direct attack on India’s cultural heritage and a reflection of deeper societal prejudices. Cultural commentators and social scientists argue that such incidents are symptomatic of a larger societal problem. In urban India, traditional dress is often seen as incompatible with modern lifestyles, leading to its marginalization. This mindset not only alienates a significant section of the population, but also erodes the cultural fabric of the country.
Moving Forward: Embracing Cultural Diversity
To address these issues, it is essential to foster an inclusive understanding of modernity that values and respects cultural diversity. Policies and practices in public spaces, including dress codes, need to be reviewed to ensure that they do not discriminate against traditional dress. Public awareness campaigns can play an important role in changing perceptions, educating people about the importance of cultural dress in preserving India’s rich heritage. In addition, legal frameworks need to be strengthened to protect cultural expressions. Institutions should be encouraged to adopt policies that are inclusive and representative of India’s diverse cultural landscape.
The Bangalore incident reminds us of the ongoing struggle to balance modernity and tradition in urban India. It calls for a broader and more inclusive interpretation of what it means to be modern, one that does not come at the expense of cultural heritage. As India continues to develop and modernise, it must do so in a way that honours and embraces its rich cultural diversity, ensuring that traditional attire like the dhoti and kurta have a respected place in urban spaces.
Dr Ahmed RazaAssistant Professor (MANUU Central University), Gachibowli, Hyderabad
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