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Donald Trump: Shooter flew drone over rally site

Donald Trump: Shooter flew drone over rally site


The gunman who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump flew a drone over the scene of the shooting in advance, law enforcement officials told US media.

According to CBS, the BBC's US media partner, it is unclear whether Thomas Matthew Crooks did this hours or days before the fateful rally in Pennsylvania on July 13.

Trump, now officially the Republican presidential nominee, said he was saved “by luck or by God” when a bullet pierced his right ear during a campaign speech.

One bystander was killed in the attack, while two others were seriously injured.

Crooks, 20, was shot dead at the scene by security officers, who are under heavy guard due to precautions taken to protect Trump at the rally – held outdoors in the town of Butler.

Security Services Chief Kimberly Cheatle has been summoned to testify before a U.S. House of Representatives committee on July 22.

First reported by the Wall Street Journal, investigators told CBS they were still trying to determine exactly when Crooks flew the drone.

They said they believed it happened a few days after the Butler Farm Show grounds gathering.

Other US media outlets, also citing security officials, claimed that the aircraft had flown over the area on the day the incident took place.

The drone is believed to have been used by the shooter to choose the best line of sight for the podium where Trump was to speak.

The crooks fired several shots from the roof of a building just over 130 meters (430 feet) from Trump.

In an interview with Fox News that aired in full Monday, Trump said no one warned him before he took the stage that there was a potential shooter.

“How could someone get on that roof? And why wasn't he reported, because people saw that he was on that roof,” he asked.

The drone, found in the shooter's vehicle after the attack, is now being examined by investigators.

Two explosive devices, a tactical vest and four magazines filled with the same ammunition used in the attack were also discovered in the shooter's vehicle.

The development comes as U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded to accusations from “some people” questioning the presence of women in law enforcement.

He praised the “highly skilled and trained” women who serve at all levels “and who risk their lives on the front lines for the safety of others.”

Several female agents were part of Trump's security protocol during the Butler shooting, protecting him after the gunfire and leading him from the scene to a nearby security vehicle.

A number of social media users – including influential American conservative activists – subsequently suggested that female agents were not best suited to secret service jobs.

“There should be no women in the Secret Service,” wrote Matt Walsh, an activist of this type, on X. “These people are supposed to be the best, and none of the best people in the job are women.”

Some have also criticized hiring practices that placed too much emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Mayorkas said the Department of Homeland Security “will continue with great pride, focus and dedication to the mission, to recruit, retain and elevate women into our law enforcement ranks.”

“Our department will be better off and our country will be safer,” he added.




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