3 Brain-Healthy Habits to Try
Integrating brain health into your daily life is more important than ever, as recent reports suggest that almost half (45%) of dementia cases are related to brain function. 14 “modifiable” risk factors – Things we might be able to influence.
After witnessing the effects of dementia first-hand, Alzheimer's Research UK supporters Helen, Graham and Marianne started taking extra steps to protect their brains – and they want to share them with you.
Helen: Singing helps us stay connected
Many of us will experience loneliness at some point in our lives, but research shows that prolonged social isolation in later life may increase the risk of dementia.
Scientists aren't sure whether social isolation is a risk factor for dementia or even an early symptom of the condition, but one thing is certain: staying connected is good for brain health.
Helen's father, Kevin, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2016 at the age of 67. When Kevin passed away in 2023, Helen wanted to know what she could do to reduce her own risk of developing Alzheimer's. Since then, she has stayed connected with others by doing what she loves: singing.
“I joined a local choir to stay socially active.
“Singing has real physical benefits to it, from connecting with your breath and your body. You have to stay focused to read music and memorize lyrics, so that helps too.”
Although she loves performing, the best thing about singing for Helen is the social aspect.
“The choir adds a lot of value to my social life. We practice every week and sing in concerts in the summer and at Christmas, so I've made lots of friends.”
“Apart from rehearsals, we have regular social gatherings, parties and lunches. It's a real community where we learn from each other. I've even brought some of my friends into the group.”
“We all leave the show feeling elated; proud of ourselves and everyone else, and feeling connected as a whole. It's so nice to experience the joy of making music with other people.”
“I would encourage anyone to join a choir. It gets you out of your comfort zone in the best way possible. It's even more reassuring to know that my interactions with the choir have had such a positive effect on my brain.”
Graham: Running is good for your heart and brain
Staying healthy and active helps protect your brain throughout your life, especially as you age. This is because exercise helps your heart pump blood around your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your brain.
As an avid runner, Graham knows all too well how important it is to look after your heart and brain health.
“The first thing I do in the morning is go for a run with my dog.
“I also train with a friend at least once a week. Running with other people is great because it keeps you accountable.”
Graham's focus on health is focused on caring for his wife, Marie, who was suspected of having Alzheimer's in 2019 but wasn't officially diagnosed until four years later.
“It's been a really uncertain time for us and running has helped me get through those difficult times. Marie has Alzheimer's and I want to look after her for as long as possible, which also means staying fit and active to keep her brain healthy.”
Graham also takes part in his local parkrun, Basingstoke, every week.
“I chat with everyone while I run the 5K. I enjoy running because I know that every time I exercise it's good for my heart and my brain. I love being outside and getting some fresh air. It gives me energy and brings some routine to my life.”
Marianne: Learning a language activates the brain
There is growing evidence that stimulating the brain throughout life, from early childhood to old age, helps keep the brain active and reduces the risk of dementia.
Marianne left school without a qualification at the age of 15. After discovering her passion for philosophy during her university studies, she became Director of Philosophy Studies at Oxford University, a position she holds until 2021.
Now enjoying retirement, Marianne is learning languages to keep her mind sharp.
“My mother and father both had dementia. My father, Philip, was diagnosed with vascular dementia after a stroke in his 80s and my mother, Leslie, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at 79.
“I cared for my parents for 13 years until they passed away. It is important to me to do everything I can to reduce the risk of dementia. To do this, I believe we need to keep our brains active for as long as possible.”
“I visited Russia in 2019 and fell in love with the language so I started studying it. I think it definitely keeps my brain active!”
Marianne shares how to incorporate regular learning activities into your week.
“Every week I take two conversation classes with native speakers and one grammar class, and of course I do homework in between classes to reinforce my learning.
“Russian is an incredibly difficult language. The alphabet is different, so the learning curve is very steep straight away.
“Sometimes it feels like I'm not making any progress, but now I know that's not true because I know I'm officially in the 'intermediate' class. It makes me really proud!”
Marianne's progress isn't the only result of her language learning: “I learn purely for the fun of it, but I also know it keeps my brain active and, with any luck, helps reduce my risk of dementia. It's a win-win!”
How can you protect your brain health?
Things we cannot control, such as age and the genes we inherit, affect our risk of dementia.
But the good news is that you can reduce your risk of dementia by taking steps to keep your brain healthy — making small, positive changes that you enjoy and can keep doing is a great way to start.
If you are inspired by Helen, Graham and Marianne’s amazing brain health habits, check out our 40 Everyday Tips to Improve Your Brain Are they healthy? Pick a few that work for you and keep going.
Also, Consider a Brain Health Check-In It helps you explore brain health behaviors, and we've just updated it based on new evidence, so please try it again even if you completed it before.
What do you do to protect your amazing brain?
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