What you need to know about whooping cough symptoms and its spread during the 2024 outbreak
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had previously documented it. More than 17,600 pertussis infections nationwide As of October 5, the number of infections recorded at this time last year was more than four times as high, which was around 4,000. So what accounts for the 342% increase?
The number of pertussis infections in the United States typically exceeds 10,000. every yearMore than 18,600 cases were reported in 2019, according to the CDC. From 2020When the coronavirus pandemic began, the number of annual infections was barely above 6,100, reaching a low of 2,100 in 2021.
While people are wearing masks; Protect yourself from the new coronavirusIn doing so, they were also protected from pertussis infection. Public health initiatives such as social distancing and social distancing; remote work And school too helped prevent an outbreak.
The cumulative number of pertussis cases exceeds the number of cases recorded to date in 2023 in all regions, including U.S. territories. These states had the highest number of cases during the week of September 29th to October. 5:
- Ohio: 44
- New York (excluding New York City): 34
- Pennsylvania: 28
- Alaska: twenty five
- Virginia: 20
Cases of whooping cough reach a peak every few years, but Managing and identifying outbreaks can be difficult because Some cases go unreportedInfected people may confuse their symptoms with those of another germ or bacteria. viral infectionsays the CDC. Doctors can confirm infection with blood tests or mucus samples.
What is pertussis?
bacteria called Bordetella pertussis Whooping cough causes whooping cough, an upper respiratory disease officially known as whooping cough. According to reports, the nickname is mayo cliniccomes from the high-pitched “whooshing” sound that many infected people make when they breathe in after a coughing fit.
How does whooping cough spread?
Because it contains particles, Bordetella pertussis The disease is highly contagious because it is released into the air when a sick person coughs or sneezes.
Whooping cough is very contagiousThe CDC says this is because some people have only mild symptoms and may not know they have the disease and could unknowingly spread it to others. . You are contagious as soon as you develop symptoms and can make others sick for up to two weeks after the cough begins.
Anyone can get pertussis, but it is most common in infants and young children who have not received all five vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis. (DTaP) Vaccine. The CDC recommends that children under 7 receive the DTaP vaccine at the following ages:
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 15-18 months
- 4-6 years
However, the protection provided by the vaccine diminishes over time, so adults and adolescents over the age of 11 are more susceptible to pertussis if they have not been vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. (Tdap) Vaccine Every 10 years. Expectant parents can protect their baby from whooping cough by getting the Tdap vaccination between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.
What are the symptoms of whooping cough?
Whooping cough can cause cold-like symptoms, but symptoms can take 5 to 10 days to appear. Bordetella pertussis Development may take up to 3 weeks. CDC collapses Common symptoms Divided into two stages:
- Early symptoms (lasts 1-2 weeks)
- slight fever
- mild, occasional cough
- runny or stuffy nose
- Late symptoms (1-6 weeks, lasting up to 10 weeks)
- A rapid, violent, uncontrollable coughing fit can cause symptoms such as:
- I feel very tired after the fit, but I usually look fine during the fit
- break a rib
- can't sleep at night
- Making a high-pitched whistling sound when breathing in after coughing
- difficulty breathing
- Vomiting during or after a coughing attack
- A rapid, violent, uncontrollable coughing fit can cause symptoms such as:
Infants may have difficulty breathing rather than a full-blown cough. Whooping cough can be fatal to infants, with one in three children under the age of 1 requiring hospitalization. Complications can occur in older children and adults, but the infection is less serious, especially if they have been vaccinated.
Although you may initially want to treat your symptoms with over-the-counter cough medicine, the CDC recommends prescription antibiotics instead for faster and more effective recovery.
For more information about respiratory diseases, see below.
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