Opinion: Why I'm voting for Donald Trump
The Republican Party's Donald Trump roller coaster makes its final loop this week, as the American people prepare to pass final judgment on the man who has dominated our politics and culture since 2015.
Because I'm a lifelong conservative Republican who doesn't like to be pushed around too much, this race has tested my mettle at times. I wasn't very happy with Trump after January 6, 2021, and thought maybe the party would be done with him after the 2022 midterms, a Republican Party underperformance largely blamed on the former president.
In both cases, I was wrong about its relative political strength. He is the political Cornelius of the Yukon, Rankin-Bass's animated character Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, who was thought to have died after falling off a cliff but was cushioned, ultimately, by a version of the abominable snowman, a Bumble.
Have I never told you about Bumbles? The bumblebees are bouncing! Yukon exclaims as he unexpectedly shows up at the North Pole. Will Trump do the same on election night?
Today, Trump is more popular than ever, both personally and as president. Trump's resilience and determination to return him to the White House constitutes one of the most remarkable events in modern political history.
The Gallup polling scale found Trump with a 50% favorable rating in early October, slightly higher than Kamala Harris. This is Trump's highest score of his three races (he was 47% favorable in 2020 and just 36% in 2016).
A September CNN poll found Trump with positive retrospective approval of the position, with 51% saying his tenure was more of a success than a failure (61% said the Biden-Harris administration was more of a failure than a success).
And today, millions of Republicans like me, who have almost failed once or twice in this crazy adventure, are ready to vote for him once again, as a bulwark against the cultural and governance excesses of the American left.
Simply put, I'm more worried about the future of the country than the problems I've had with Trump in the past.
I worry about the trend toward restricting political speech, which some on the left (including Harris) have embraced.
I worry about the left's demonization of America's origins and the future of Western civilization because many conservatives believe the fundamentals of society as we know it are under attack.
I worry about the bait and switch tactics of the Democratic Party. First, it was: trust us, Biden is a moderate and he totally agrees. It turned out he was neither.
And now it's: Trust us, Harris is no longer in all the crazy positions she clearly and passionately campaigned for in 2019.
Fool me once, as they say. Harris is clearly in over her head, as everyone can clearly see through her media engagements.
While there is no politician I agree with 100%, Trump and the Republicans are very likely to do what I want most of the time, while Harris and the Democrats are almost guaranteed to not do anything I want at any time. The argument that to save conservatism I must vote for the most liberal presidential candidate in American history seems, charitably, naïve to this Republican.
Trump has cut taxes for almost everyone and will extend those cuts if elected. Trump has appointed conservative judges who respect the Constitution, and he will do so again. Trump will secure the border, unlike the Biden-Harris administration. Trump refuses to engage in the mindless pablum that dominates our political discourse, which is one of the most refreshing things about him. For Harris, it's one trip to the global salad city after another. The only time Harris gets specific is when she lies about Trump's agenda.
But Trump is Hitler, a fascist! Come on, Democrats have said that about every Republican presidential candidate in my lifetime, including George W. Bush, who I worked for and revere. You will have to forgive the average Republican for being insensitive to these attacks; we've heard it all before.
Additionally, if you are concerned about the vile, anti-Semitic ideology of Hitler's Germany coming to America, perhaps focus on the violence emanating from college campuses and on the streets of America's cities. It wasn't Republicans chasing Jews down the sidewalks, I can assure you. The sight of Hamas and Hezbollah banners on American streets makes me sick, and Harris' boycott of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress this year was inexcusable.
What I've never heard before is the kind of hateful name-calling from those who dislike this particular Republican candidate the most. The Trump campaign is accused of extreme incivility, but from the hysterical Never Trumpers to the two Obamas, Harris' top surrogates are inflaming anyone who doesn't conform. It seems like everyone who disagrees with them is either a misogynist, racist, or Nazi sympathizer.
Give me a break. It's not our fault that Harris can't make a coherent argument to a conservative or working-class man about why she's a superior candidate; scolding them makes things even worse.
The journey is almost over. I've made my choice, as have millions of other Republicans who simply prefer center-right government to whatever Harris offers (even if she doesn't seem to know it). I don't blame any fellow American for their decision, and we are all equal before the Constitution on Election Day.
I just hope that once all is said and done, the result will be widely accepted. The American system and our Constitution have served us well for nearly 250 years. I don't know who will win in 2024, but I know that one election won't break us, no matter what anyone tells you.
Scott Jennings is an Opinion contributing writer, a former special assistant to President George W. Bush and a senior political commentator for CNN.
Sources 2/ https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-11-01/election-donald-trump-kamala-harris The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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