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A Sunday to remember in pictures as Britain pays tribute to war victims

A Sunday to remember in pictures as Britain pays tribute to war victims


Around 10,000 veterans marched past London's Cenotaph to pay tribute to Armed Forces soldiers who died in the conflict and those who are still serving their country today.

Thousands of people lined both sides of Whitehall to watch a parade of Royal British Legion veterans, many wearing poppies on their coats, to mark Remembrance Day.

Prince Charles led the nation in the annual two-minute silence, with royal family members, prime ministers, senior politicians and religious representatives joining together to lay wreaths at the National Memorial.

Kate, Princess of Wales, who has also completed chemotherapy, has made great progress in her recovery and attended today's memorial service for the fallen, along with Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh.

Kate sang the national anthem from the balcony above the monument while Sir Keir Starmer, eight living former prime ministers and other politicians joined her.

Yahoo News has rounded up some of the day's most notable photos.

Chelsea Pensioners stand on Westminster Bridge ahead of today's service. (Reuters)

A London taxi driver washes his windshield as he prepares to pick up veterans after an event. (Reuters)

Veterans gather in Whitehall for parade. (Alami)

The Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Edinburgh on the balcony of the Department for Foreign and Commonwealth Development. (Alami)

Whitehall's commemoration ceremony honors all those who gave their lives for their country and the bravery of their service in the Armed Forces. (Reuters)

Queen Camilla did not attend Sunday's event to ensure a full recovery from the chest infection and to protect others from risk. It is said that the 77-year-old King wanted to personally express his condolences to the fallen soldiers of the Armed Forces and pray for their souls to rest in peace.

Her husband, the King, dressed in his Royal Navy admiral's uniform, stood back and paid his respects after laying the first wreath at the memorial to honor those who lost their lives during the First World War.

His wreath is very similar to the one made for King George VI and, in the tradition of the Sovereign's wreath, is fitted with 41 paper poppy petals in an arrangement of black leaves and decorated with crimson, purple and gold ribbons and bows. The color of the ribbon and bow is the color of royal lacing silk.

A volley of shots fired by the King's Royal Horse Artillery from the nearby Horse Guards Parade signaled the start of the two minutes' silence, followed by occasional noises of London traffic, followed by another loud explosion to mark the end. .

Charles III pays his respects at Whitehall. (Reuters)

The king lays a wreath at the monument. (Alami)

Tory leader Kemi Badenoch and Prime Minister Keir Starmer will carry wreaths at today's event. (Alami)

The Prince of Wales salutes at the monument. (Alami)

Current and former military personnel march down Whitehall. (Reuters)

Today's event marks several important anniversaries, including the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. (Reuters)

British reform leader Nigel Farage watches the memorial service. (Alami)

The King laid a wreath on behalf of the nation after Royal Marine buglers played the Last Post. Charles was followed by the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Crown Princess, who laid wreaths, followed by the Queen Mother, Major Ollie Plunkett.

Other members of the royal family laid wreaths, including the Prince of Wales, who wore his Royal Air Force uniform with the rank of Wing Commander.

Among the thousands of men and women participating in the parade, 326 different military and civilian organizations are represented, with people of all ages marching, from the bereaved children of Scotty's Little Soldiers to Spirit of the D-Day veterans. Normandy Trust.

This year, in particular, is especially touching as 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the 25th anniversary of the end of the Kosovo War, the 75th anniversary of NATO, and the 120th anniversary of the ROK-US joint negotiations. Kingdom and France.

And standing near the monument were an unprecedented eight former Prime Ministers, including Sir John Major (1990-1997), Tony Blair (1997-2007), Gordon Brown (2007-2010), Lord Cameron (2010-2016) and the Baroness. . May (2016-2019), Boris Johnson (2019-2022), Liz Truss (6 September-25 October 2022) and Rishi Sunak (2022-2024).

Today's event marks an important milestone in Kate's cancer recovery. (Alami)

Veterans march to Whitehall to remember those who died in service after the First World War. (Alami)

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson will attend this year's service. (Getty Images)

Chelsea pensioners taking part in this year's Whitehall march. (Getty Images)

Prime Minister Keir came forward to pay tribute to the victims with floral tributes on behalf of the government, as did new Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch, other party leaders, senior members of the cabinet, the military chiefs and the high commissioner.

A brief service followed after the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, laid the wreath amid prayers.

She told those gathered: “O Almighty God, grant that we who here commemorate those who died in the service of our country and our Throne may be deeply moved by their spirit. Give us love and courage to abandon all selfish and unworthy motives and live only for your glory and service to humanity through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Ahead of today's ceremony, the Prime Minister said: “The freedoms we enjoy today – our democracy, our values ​​and our way of life – were hard won over many generations. We are forever indebted to the brave souls who fought to protect this country, and who made the ultimate sacrifice. “Did you do it?”

A soldier in the helicopter commando unit of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Corps. (Getty Images)

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper and Foreign Secretary David Lammy paid their respects. (Alami)

The public gathered in Whitehall to watch the service. (Getty Images)

Veterans gather in Whitehall for parade. (Alami)

Members of the British Royal Navy lined up for this year's parade. (Alami)

“Memorial Day is both a national observance and a deeply personal moment of reflection as we reflect on the sacrifices of those who gave their lives to keep us free today,” said Chief of Defense Staff Gen. Tony Radakin.

“In addition to the Cenotaph, communities across the UK and everywhere around the world will know that our soldiers, sailors and airmen serve their country. We will remember them.”

Royal British Legion Memorial Director Philippa Rawlinson added: “The memorial continues to unite people across all backgrounds, communities and generations to commemorate the sacrifices of military communities past and present.”

“From risking their lives in war zones to spending time away from their families to providing support during emergencies and humanitarian disasters, we want to thank those who choose to serve in our Armed Forces and give people a moment to think about this weekend. And remember their service.”

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