Anti-vaxxer called on Covid kill squads to target Boris Johnson and Chris Whitty
An anti-vaxxer called on Covid-19 kill squads to target Boris Johnson and Professor Sir Chris Whitty, a court has heard.
Patrick Ruane, 55, encouraged his audience of 26,000 on messaging app Telegram to adopt IRA tactics in response to lockdown restrictions.
He called on groups called The Resistance UK and The Great Reopening to shoot those involved in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout and burn Big Pharma to the ground.
The audio producer encouraged the use of weapons, guns and explosives, including hitting Sir Chris over the head with a bat, as he posted 2,000 messages urging violent action.
Ruane, from Paddington, west London, denied two charges of inciting terrorism but was found guilty by a jury and jailed for five years.
The Covid denier claimed he could not have had any intention when he posted the messages because he was blind drunk all day and every day.
On Monday, Judge Richard Marks KC told Ruane that vaccinations had saved lives and that his messages were extremely dangerous at a volatile time.
He said: We are in a time of unprecedented fear and upheaval in this country and around the world.
The widely held view around the world was that vaccines were extremely effective. [sic] by saving lives. However, you and others do not share this opinion.
Of course, you had every right to express your opinions publicly and to do so in an extremely compelling and forceful manner, if you wished.
But you went much further and, in doing so, committed the crimes for which you were convicted.
The judge said the accused could not be sure that members of the groups would not put into practice what was said in the messages.
Find where they live and form an assassination squad
During a 10-month period in 2021, Ruane sent messages encouraging violence.
These included: I don't know why people don't go after the families and staff of these pharmaceutical companies, maim them and kill them and I'm all for hunting them down and execute them where they are, because too many people have done that. –ing is dead and it won't stop until we start killing them.
Ruane repeatedly referenced Semtex in his posts, encouraging people to make the explosive so they could start blowing this shit up.
In a message on the additional restrictions issued by Mr Johnson, Ruane said: The IRA playbook should be implemented.
Ruane also responded to a post about Sir Chris saying: The weakest point in sculling [sic] is the back of the head [sic] and all it would take is to ride a bike really fast and hit the target in the back of the head with a round bat, but a sledgehammer (a piece of metal ball and chain) would be much better.
He said it would turn said target into a vegetable for the rest of his life.
Sources 2/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/11/11/anti-vaxxer-covid-kill-squads-johnson-whitty-court-hears/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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