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Any of us could be next, say women journalists as they rally around Allison Pearson.

Any of us could be next, say women journalists as they rally around Allison Pearson.


Vine wrote on X, formerly Twitter: Journalists, and especially female journalists, are used to receiving a lot of abuse. It's not easy, but it comes with the territory. We console ourselves by thinking that the police and the responsible authorities support us. What happened to @AllisonPearson showed that is no longer true. This is a frightening moment for press freedom. Even scarier is the fact that @Keir_Starmer seems to agree with this.

Sonia Sodha, editor of The Observer, also came to Pearson's defense, even though she did not share his political views.

She said: This deleted tweet from Allison Pearson was mean, reckless and wrong. But the fact that this is the subject of a criminal investigation seems to be nonsense on the part of the police.

The police have a terrible record when it comes to police speech. Any liberal who cares about our basic democratic rights should be concerned, she wrote.

And there are examples of left and right governments in the UK giving too much absolute power over speech and protest to the police. This is a problem that cuts across the political spectrum.

Journalist and royal biographer Angela Levin also lent her support to Pearson. She wrote on X: I am so angry that a journalist as eminent and honorable as you [has] been treated so badly. The police, on the other hand, create rules and behaviors that we must not accept. My thoughts are with you.

The investigation into Pearson has sparked a debate over non-crime related hate incidents (NCHI), which are recorded by police but are not against the law.

The tweet was investigated as both a possible NCHI and a possible violation of the Malicious Communications Act. Essex Police said they were investigating Pearson under Section 17 of the Public Order Act for allegedly stirring up racial hatred with a social media post made in November last year .

On Thursday, Downing Street said the government was reviewing how the police force manages the NCHI.

If it's not a crime, the police should stay away

On Saturday, Donna Jones, the former chief constable and crime commissioner, said officers should not be going to people's homes because of offensive online posts.

Police should not go to someone's home if they have not committed a crime, said Ms Jones, a former president of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.

If the police determine that it is not a crime or a hate crime, they should not knock on someone's door to encourage them to voluntarily come forward for an interview or undertake a sort of deep-thinking course.

Where I disagree with the current law and the process, and indeed many police officers are very frustrated about this as well, is that if it is not a crime, it should stop there, she said.

Yes, collect the data, pass it to the Ministry of the Interior, indicating that someone reported that someone did something that offended them.

Speaking on Radio 4's Today programme, Ms Jones said the treatment of NCHI would have to change radically.

Ms Jones is Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner in Hampshire.

Kemi Badenoch, the leader of the Conservative Party, told the Telegraph on Friday: We need to end this behavior of people wasting police time on trivial incidents because they don't like something, like they were in a nursery.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp and former Home Secretary Suella Braverman have also expressed concerns about NCHI policing.

Geoffrey Robertson KC, one of the country's leading lawyers, said: “The Essex inquiry is a waste of public money.




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