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Donald Trump chooses Brendan Carr as next FCC chairman

Donald Trump chooses Brendan Carr as next FCC chairman


Donald Trump has chosen Brendan Carr as the next FCC chairman, selecting the commission's top Republican who has promised to rein in Big Tech.

The choice of Carr was expected. Trump appointed Carr to the FCC during his first term.

Trump said in a statement: “Commissioner Carr is a free speech warrior and has fought against regulatory law that has stifled Americans' freedoms and stunted our economy. He will end the regulatory assault that has crippled America's job creators and innovators, and ensure the FCC delivers for rural America.

Carr will succeed Jessica Rosenworcel, who was appointed by President Joe Biden and is the first woman to hold the position permanently.

While Republican majorities traditionally lead the way on deregulation and Carr has called for a “top-to-bottom review” of FCC regulations, he has frequently criticized private tech platforms and, more recently, networks for their decisions. in terms of content.

For years, Carr has attacked social media for what he says are attempts to stifle conservative voices, even though the companies deny such systematic discrimination exists. Carr is the author of part of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 that calls for measures that could impose new accountability on social media giants in how they moderate their content.

Specifically, Carr wants the FCC to issue an order limiting the immunity platforms enjoy under Section 230, the provisions of a 1996 law that protect tech companies from lawsuits over third-party content that they host on their sites.

Carr wrote in Draft 2025 that the FCC should take action that would “appropriately limit the number of instances in which a platform can censor with the benefit of Section 230 protections.” Carr also supports congressional action that would prevent social media platforms from suspending or banning users because of their views.

Major Internet companies will likely challenge such an approach as a violation of the First Amendment. And in Project 2025, Carr acknowledged that other conservatives disagree, writing that there are those “who do not believe the FCC or Congress should act in a way that regulates moderation decisions content from private platforms. One of the main arguments made by this group is that it would encroach – illegally, they say – on companies' First Amendment rights to exclude content from their private platforms.

Carr also criticized NBC for featuring Kamala Harris on Saturday Night Live just days before the presidential election. The next day, the network gave time to Donald Trump's campaign, but even after Trump's victory, Carr continued to chastise the network and even encouraged other presidential candidates to file complaints within the same time frame .

The network is required to provide equal time if a candidate requests it. The public interest group Free Press said Carr was making “grossly inaccurate claims about the communications law to gain points with the former president.”

The FCC has historically stayed out of news editorial decisions. During the presidential campaign, when Trump said CBS should lose its broadcast license because of the way 60 Minutes edited an interview with Kamala Harris, Carr demanded that the show release a transcript of the interview. CBS refused.

Last week, Carr sent a letter to Google, Meta, Microsoft and Apple, accusing them of silencing “Americans who have done nothing but exercise their First Amendment rights.”

“The censorship cartel must be dismantled,” Carr wrote on X.

Carr claimed his work with NewsGuard, which assesses the credibility of news sites and provides services such as brand safety and misinformation tracking, to advertisers and others. Carr wrote that NewsGuard “leverages its partnerships with advertising agencies to [censor] targeted outlets. »

But Gordon Crovitz, co-CEO and co-editor-in-chief of NewsGuard, said in a statement that Carr's claims were based on false reports about the ratings system from outlets like the right-wing site Newsmax, which received a low credibility score. NewsGuard gave it a rating of 20 out of 100 on its “nutrition label,” concluding that it is “unreliable because it violates basic journalistic standards.”

“Our work does not involve censorship or blocking of speech,” Crovitz said. “Instead of blocking information, we provide users with apolitical reliability analysis. Instead of censorship, we provide users with more information – reliability ratings from news publishers based on apolitical criteria and a transparent journalistic process – so that every user can make informed decisions about the information they receive. can trust.

Crovitz also noted that “because we rate news sites apolitically, many conservative sites get higher ratings from us than liberal sites, such as Fox News scoring higher than MSNBC and The Washington Examiner ahead of the New York Times. Again, Newsmax may not like our ratings, but it has no excuse for seeking to justify its low rating or to mislead Commissioner Carr.

Crovitz also raised concerns about Carr's targeting of a private entity, saying “NewsGuard's journalism is itself speech protected by the First Amendment, and we are concerned to see a government official using the powers of his office, even unintentionally, to rely on false information.” allegations, to the benefit of the very publishers making false claims, like Newsmax.

Trump and his allies have attacked other fact-checking sites and media watchdogs, while Elon Musk, who will help lead a new effort to reorganize the federal government, has sued Media Matters for its reporting on its platform of social media, X. Musk also sued advertisers. who withdrew their sponsorship from X over fears their ads would appear alongside white supremacist and extremist messages.

It is traditional for the current FCC chairman to resign when a new administration takes power. This would allow Trump to appoint an additional commissioner and give Republicans a 3-2 majority.

In Project 2025, Carr also disagreed with Trump in another area: TikTok. The new FCC chairman has called for a ban on social media platforms over national security concerns. After initially trying to ban TikTok during his first term, Trump is now opposing it.




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