Bluetooth SIG Brings COVID-19 Touch Tracking Wearable
The Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) wants to introduce the COVID-19 contact tracking system to its wearable devices. The group behind the Bluetooth standard is Announced That they are working on a new specification that enables potentially life-saving features in wearables.
Google and Apple Bluetooth-based cross-platform Exposure notification system (ENS) COVID-19 contact traces are currently limited to smartphones. Enable features using a new subset of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) specification. The system will notify the user if someone in close contact with him in the past is later diagnosed with COVID-19.
However, the Bluetooth SIG believes that “smartphones alone are not a practical approach.” They agree that the widespread adoption of smartphones makes them an “ideal foundation” for launching ENS. However, there are still “several population groups important for managing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19 where smartphone penetration is relatively low”.
Children and the elderly may prefer smaller gadgets on their wrists than bulky phones in their pockets. By extending ENS to wearable devices, the Bluetooth SIG seeks to cover all segments of the population with the COVID-19 contact tracking system.
“The inclusion of wearable devices in ENS will be a very effective way to expand reach to support these important groups,” said Elisares Corni, professor of physics at the Technical University of Munich. “
Bluetooth SIG begins work on wearable COVID-19 contact traces
The Bluetooth SIG has formed a new Exposure Notification Working Group (ENWG) working on wearable COVID-19 contact tracking. A new group of 130 Bluetooth member companies define a standardized way to add ENS support for wearable devices. They are committed to maintaining the same privacy and security protection as existing smartphone solutions.
Wearable systems work much like smartphone implementations. Bluetooth-enabled wearables continuously broadcast a unique random ID to exchange with other nearby devices. The device then periodically retrieves a list of IDs associated with COVID-19 positive cases.
ENS App If it finds a match with an ID received from a nearby device, it notifies the user with additional instructions. As you can imagine, devices without an onboard connection should regularly connect to devices that have internet access.
However, it may still be a long time before a viable COVID-19 contact tracking solution for wearables arrives. The Bluetooth SIG hopes that the first draft of the specification will be available for review “in the coming months.”
However, the ENWG is open to all Bluetooth SIG member companies. It serves as a central forum for discussing the effective use of Bluetooth technology against the new coronavirus.
“We appreciate the dedication and dedication of the Bluetooth members,” said Mark Powell, CEO of the Bluetooth SIG. “It’s very exciting to see the Bluetooth community collaborating to find and create innovative ways to leverage Bluetooth technology to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud of their commitment to this important effort. I am.”
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