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DC report shows reductions in HIV infection and other progress to end AIDS epidemic


The key benchmark for that strategy is to reduce the number of newly infected people from about 400 in 2015 to about 200 in 2020. The goal is to explain that public health authorities are ambitious but achievable.

Annual public health reports show that 282 DC residents were infected with the virus last year. Little movement..

However, public health experts say the city is unlikely to see the significant additional reductions that would be needed to reach the mayor’s goals one year from now.

Experts also said that covid-19 made it more difficult to reach people in need of HIV treatment to reduce the spread of the virus.

The city’s health authorities attribute the recent decline to an increase in daily preventive medications, commonly known as PrEP, that reduce the risk of HIV infection by 90%. However, the number of people who started taking the drug last year was 1,700, down from 3,400 in 2018, increasing the likelihood of less impact on new cases this year.

Gay and bisexual black men and black women continue to be at greatest risk of getting the virus, The report showed.

Men who have sex with men continue to be the leading cause of infection, accounting for more than half of all new cases in 2019. However, those cases decreased from 198 in 2015 to 155 in 2019. Women having sex with men are the second leading cause — associated with one-fifth of cases.

People in their 20s and 30s received about two-thirds of new infections last year.

of Coronavirus The pandemic disrupted the lives of the district in 2020, causing widespread closures of bars and clubs and changing people’s social interactions. Radkannesvit, the city’s chief public health official, said doctors are still prioritizing HIV patients for outpatient visits, blood tests, and drug refills. However, the city saw a 60% decline this year compared to last year of those who come to get tested each year. And that’s where people are often tested for HIV.

In addition to halving new cases by 2020, Bowser At least 90 percent of residents living with HIV are aware of their condition and aim to receive treatment. In addition, she wanted at least 90% of the people being treated to have a very low viral load so they could not infect others.

The district is on the verge of achieving all three goals, the report said. 90% know their condition, 80% are being treated and 87% are unable to infect others during treatment.

The national capital has come a long way since AIDS destroyed communities in the 1990s In a time when the population of the city was much smaller than it is today, the number of new infectious diseases exceeds 1,000 per year.

And due to advances in treatment The virus no longer resembles a death sentence.. Between 2013 and 2017, a total of 399 inhabitants became infected with the virus, about the same as the annual deaths recorded in the late 1990s and early 2000s. More than twice that number of people living with HIV have died of other causes during the last few years. This indicates that the treatment has significantly reduced the lethality of the virus.

Officials across the country have signaled the end of the darkest day of the AIDS epidemic, but they are now pursuing the tougher task of eliminating the virus almost completely. The threshold for ending the epidemic is when less than 1% of the population is ill.

The strategy to do so has changed from the days of promoting safe sex, stopping sex and instillation.

Instead, the Daily PrEP Pills provide an alternative preventative method for those who forget or don’t want to wear a condom, or who want to protect themselves if their sexual partner gets lost.

However, the district has not strategically abandoned condoms, distributing more than 4 million units per year. This year, due to face-to-face distribution that hinders the pandemic, health authorities have instead replaced with a free home HIV test kit. Ten condom Resident Who requests..

The researchers also said HIV does not spread from people who have been treated to reduce the presence of the virus to: It cannot be detected by standard blood tests. Seven out of ten people living with HIV in the district have reached that point.

A safe needle change program The spread of the virus among intravenous drug users was largely eliminated.

Anthony S. Forch was one of the infectious disease doctors at the forefront of the fight against AIDS nationwide, before it became known as the national covid-19 face. 2015 he We called the nation’s capital the “prototype of the true feasibility of this goal, as we know it, to end the fashion.”

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