“Chinese government has access to lab-origin information”: Famous virologist claims, World News
The coronavirus pandemic, which first appeared in the seafood market in Wuhan, Hubei, China in late December 2019, currently kills more than 800,000 people. However, the problem of its origin has not yet been solved and has dominated world discourse for several months. Researchers now believe that the Chinese government must have access to samples and information that can prove or disprove the source of the lab and provide access to all data and materials.
“The Chinese government has access to samples and information that can almost certainly prove or disprove the origin of the laboratory. It should provide access to all data and materials. Withholding guesses and data is for everyone It’s not a profit,” British virologist biologist Jonathan Latham told WION, executive director of a non-profit bioscience resource project based in New York. His amazing report that the coronavirus first appeared in 2012 sheds new light.
Latham is also the editor of the website Independent Science News and specializes in molecular biology, virology and genetics. He believes that WHO has been reported not to investigate the possibility of a laboratory escape. This is currently the mainstream theory and this should be a source of confusion for WHO.
“It is reported that WHO has not investigated the possibility of a laboratory escape. This should be a source of confusion for WHO as laboratory escape is currently a leading theory. But it also It puts the general public at risk in the future. The pandemic has begun. How can we prevent future pandemics?”
Also read: Wuhan officials have left China in the dark for weeks with the coronavirus, Intel said
His report states that the virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), did not occur in the wet market in Wuhan in 2019, but in 2012. It suggests that they could be 1,000 miles away a year, after a worker in a Chinese mine was exposed to bats and fell ill with a mysterious pneumonia-like illness. His findings (along with molecular biologist Allison Wilson) are based on the translation of a 66-page master’s thesis from a Chinese doctor who worked with miners and sent tissue samples to the Wuhan Virology Institute for testing. I will.
“The core finding of our investigation comes from the fact that the closest ancestor virus to SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, is a virus called RaTG13. Discovered in a mine near MoejiWe revealed that just before RaTG13 was collected, six miners fell ill while removing bat dung in the mine. Three miners died after long-term hospitalization, when the symptoms of the miners were basically the same, in the hospital, miners were infected by a new coronavirus from bat dung. It was concluded that he was suffering,” Latham said.
“We also found that blood and perhaps other samples were taken from miners at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Our theory of how a pandemic happened is that the bat virus RaTG13 infects a miner and is inside the body of a miner.The human sample taken in the WIV contained a virus that could cause COVID-19. The virus is believed to have escaped when tested by the WIV in late 2019. The pandemic began in Wuhan because it began anywhere in the world where there are bats,” he added.
Latham also reported that individual Chinese researchers masked the deaths of miners even before the outbreak began, and after the outbreak, they also tried to cover the origin of RaTG13.
“It is also clear that individual Chinese researchers have masked the deaths of miners even before the outbreak began, and tried to cover the origin of RaTG13 even further after the outbreak. For example, Corona A study at Chung Wrestler WIV, who is responsible for the virus, told the Scientific American magazine that miners had died of a fungal infection, which caused us and others to blame. Took a few months to put together the history of.
After conducting multiple tests for hepatitis, dengue fever, and even HIV, doctors managed the outbreak of SARS in 2003 and virologist Zhong Nanshan, an international hero who is considered the largest scientist in the country. We consulted with various experts throughout China, including. The miners were probably infected with the coronavirus.
“Talks with prominent scientists like Zhongnanzan mean that the possibility of an outbreak originating from a miner was taken very seriously in 2012. Had a special expertise in coronaviruses, so the miners were viruses, which were probably coronaviruses.”
Today, the number of COVID-19 deaths worldwide has doubled since June 6, reaching 800,000, with 100,000 dead in the last 17 days alone, while more than 23 million people have been registered. I am.
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