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The NICU Breastfeeding Journey and What Black Women Should Know About Donor Breastfeeding


The NICU Breastfeeding Journey and What Black Women Should Know About Donor Breastfeeding


I did not grow in a breastfed female family. All I knew was Formula, but my professional work on maternal and child health influenced my decision to breastfeed with my first child.

When my son arrived, we were ready in every way. Everything, and in the process of delivery, went as planned. I anxiously took him to my chest, and I was devastated when he couldn’t latch to my flat nipples, which was the reduction in chest I received 12 years ago. It was the result of. A few hours later, I gave him a formula as I overcame the problem and tried to determine if it was the postoperative breast or his latch. Breastfeeding experts tried to help, but after many attempts, they later found that they hadn’t tried enough, but the breastfeeding journey was shortly after returning home without peer-to-peer support. Ended in

It took months to release the guilt of not breastfeeding my son, but as our family grew, we knew the blessing of salvation that I would try again. I’m a breastfeeding mom, proudly in public, and I may add.

Despite my plan, just two years later, while my daughter, who was born at 28 weeks, was being cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), I found myself recovering from a c-section. We weren’t completely ready. It looked like a blink of an eye, I stared at a hospital-grade breast pump, made an emergency call from a neonatal specialist, regularly checked vital signs, manipulated an unnoticed visitor, and battled a screaming episode. , I was looking at a picture of my newborn daughter. I connected it to my husband’s phone wire. She couldn’t come to my room. I couldn’t take her to my chest.

Twelve hours passed before I felt physically able to make a trip to visit her in the NICU. There was nothing natural about this separation. I wanted a baby. My body needed her as much as she needed me.

Despite all this, she needed breast milk, and she needed it now. Studies show that breast milk can save the lives of premature babies. I was a premature black woman and my daughter was at risk of infant death. My maternal health experience made it possible to think that she had to do it until the first year.

I was in karate when my husband took me to NICU. No colostrum, no breast milk, and plenty of abdominal pain. The lactation specialists who remained on my side notified NICU’s donor breastfeeding bank, which was reserved for babies born very preterm. Although I was new to donor milk, I was willing to try it to make sure my daughter had the short-term and long-term benefits associated with breast milk.

After five days, the neonatal specialist asked every day calmly whether breast milk had arrived. Unfortunately, the answer was no every day. On the fifth and final day of hospitalization, I had my daughter for the first time and celebrated the arrival of my first few drops. My dream came true!

It was too early to suck, swallow, and breath, so I couldn’t take her to the breast. To stimulate milk production, hospital staff recommended that I take a video of her cry and watch it while pumping. I also took home her stuff and sniffed while I was pumping hormones at night to encourage them to do their job.

My best pumping session expresses 1.25 ounces from each breast. I always thought it would be better if I could enjoy the comfort of home with my baby, but as we transition and manifest anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), I get back to work. Within a month from depleting my supply began. I have tried all the safe mechanisms I can find to increase my milk supply. I also tried breastfeeding again. After all, I had to give up my breastfeeding journey. I was devastated and took nearly two years to release my guilt and disappointment.

I am able to provide breastfeeding to my mother and daughter during the first 3 months of life, and I am grateful that it was supplemented by a kind donation from a mom I did not know.

Today my daughter is a healthy and healthy 2 year old. I trust the breast milk and the donations I receive from the Milk Bank for her health. Even with the best efforts, some NICU moms can find it difficult to meet the needs of their baby. Liquid gold is beneficial, even one drop. Please continue if you can.

Why do you share this personal story? It’s not to scare you. This does not mean that you will. To share what you have learned, what you need to know about the NICU Breastfeeding Journey, and the resources available to provide breastfeeding for premature babies.

African american woman holding milk in milking machine

What i learned

My experience of low supply is not unique to me.

Even after removing the challenges of breastfeeding after weight loss, our bodies are not ready for childbirth and the stress of being in the NICU complicates milk production, so mothers of premature babies have sufficient Milk is often difficult to produce. There are numerous academic articles on the relationship between stress and milk production, especially as it relates to effects on black women. In addition, certain drugs and metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism and insulin resistance can also adversely affect supply.

Work is needed to overcome the separation of mother and child.

Getting back to work quickly is difficult, and without demand, the milk supply will run out. If a premature baby goes to the udder too soon, a dedicated milking is required around the clock. Also, a hospital-grade breast pump is required to fully milk. Some insurance companies offer the equipment or refund the rental cost.

What you need to know

Black mothers have a higher risk of preterm birth, give birth to low birth weight infants, and have a lower incidence and duration of breastfeeding than white or Hispanic mothers.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding infants. In addition to the nutritional benefits of breast milk, breast milk consumption by preterm infants is associated with a lower incidence of sepsis and necrotizing enteritis (NEC), and many other improved health outcomes. Black preterm infants are three times more likely to have necrotizing enteritis and twice as likely to die of that condition than white infants.

Cropped shot of a girl being breastfed by her mother

Donor milk is recommended if breastfeeding is not possible or if the milk supply is inadequate.

If not presented as an option, ask it! The percentage of advanced NICUs that donate breast milk has nearly doubled in recent years, with one in the NICU, with nearly 75% of the NICUs caring for the most fragile NICU babies having donor milk banks. Sadly, data show that hospitals in areas with a high proportion of black residents routinely receive more breast milk from banks in the NICU than those in areas with a low proportion of black residents. It became clear. Such fraud facilitates the impartial activities of organizations such as the National Birth Equity Collaborative.

There is a great demand for donations to the milk bank..

If you can donate, please donate. Donors usually give birth within the last 12 months, producing more milk than their infants need. If you are looking for information on donations, you may have the information provided by HMBANA, International Milk Bank organization. here Link To find milk banks around the world.

The surviving mother also donated to the milk bank..

Kimberly Novod, executive director of Saul’s Light Foundation, is an organization that provides support to the surviving families of NICU, and donating breast milk is a way to honor a baby after some mothers suffered loss. It’s a special way. A local hospital, nearby milk bank, or IBCLC may be able to help the mother of the survivor find a way to donate milk. Some hospitals have established perinatal bereavement programs that encourage post-natal baby donations.

Breastfeeding at NICU is possible.

It all happens. single. Day. Establish a strong support system with breastfeeding consultants, postpartum doulas, or peer-to-peer support groups.

There are many successful cases of NICU moms. Like my “NICU’s sister,” Kheri Monks, kills IT on a breastfeeding journey. On Instagram, Kheri can openly share her successful NICU’s first breastfeeding journey and follow her inspiration and tips at @ beautyiskherim.

Additionally, find out more information on supporting your breastfeeding journey at the following URL: Rose, Black Mother Breastfeeding Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Lareche League International, International Breastfeeding Consultants Association, Dime March,and Office for women’s health

Frankie Robertson is an activist mom and lobbyist, Power group, A social justice consulting firm focused on addressing social and political determinants of health through policy, research and advocacy. She was a Louisiana contract lobbyist, National Birth Equity Collaborative.. Follow Amandra Group on Twitter: @frankiebrla, FB: @theamandlagroupla and IG @the_amandla_group.


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