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The earthquake in Yesh Atid, the invincible party – analysis


Yair Lapid and Ofer Schelle were close friends for 30 years and trusted political partners for eight years, both of which are rare accomplishments, but according to sources in Yesh Atid, behind the scenes, Shilah’s patience and frustration began to grow increasingly impatient and frustrated under Lapid. He saw his friend and boss build his own personality at the expense of the ideology so dear to Shelah, who had been the ideologue of the party since its inception, and had never liked the major decisions Lapid made such as forming a political association with Naftali Bennett in 2013, moving to the right and making gestures to Orthodox voters, such as Wearing a telet at the Western Wall, anger spread at a lengthy meeting of the two men at the office of Lapid’s home in northern Tel Aviv on Monday evening. There are mementos in this office from boxing, a sport both Lapid and Sheila enjoy, and they have met there countless times before. This time, however, Shelah came to ask Lapid to take over the first presidency and pledged to run against him if he was allowed to, and Lapid did not return to Shelah, which he apparently interpreted as disrespect. Then Shelah announced on social media, forcing Lapid to respond during a live interview with an Arab TV station, and Shelah’s announcement was nothing less than an earthquake in the party that ranks second after Likud in all polls and offers the main alternative to it. If he had announced his candidacy bid in a more polite manner without criticizing Lapid, it might not have been much news, but instead, Shelah wavered, accusing Lapid of being unable to dismiss Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attract activists and Knesset members in Yesh Atid. He said that he would remain in the party, even when he burned bridges, making it nearly impossible. Since entering politics, Lapid has been trying to portray himself as the ultimate center. But he initially lost his right wing with departing Knesset members Shay Byron, Dov Liebman, Eliza Lavi and Benina Tamanu Shata, and now he is losing Scheele, the left wing of his party, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post shortly before his fate. Upon meeting Sailah, Lapid said that he made many mistakes in life but never made any of them twice. He saw the challenge from activist Ron Leventhal, who had destroyed the Shinui party of his father, Yusef Lapid, and had put in place bylaws to prevent this from happening in his party. Yesh Atid was the party that always worked like clockwork, starting events on time, staying on message and avoiding it. Glitches that affected many other parties. The impression was that Yesh Atid was impenetrable until Wednesday.

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