The Caldera Records: Old Faithful changed by Earthquakes and Weather | Regional news
Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators at Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week’s contribution from Mike Bolland, a research geophysicist at the United States Geological Survey and scientist in charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, and Shaul Horowitz, a research hydrologist with the US Geological Survey.
Worth Faithful’s Old Fame. The geyser goes off at regular intervals as long as there are records, and visitors from all over the world are delighted by the eruption of boiling water. These eruptions regularly reach over 130 feet (40 meters) and typically last for several minutes.
Located in the Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park, Old Faithful is home to the largest density of hot springs anywhere in the world. In about 1 square mile (about 2.6 square kilometers) of the area there are about 150 geysers.
There are no specific records of what Native Americans might believe about the Old Believers. Obsidian chips have been found in multiple locations around the upper Gezer Basin, however, indicating that the area was well known to the indigenous people. The first known European-American explorer of Yellowstone was John Coulter, who discovered the area single-handedly in 1807-1808. It is not known if Coulter crossed the upper Gezer Basin or witnessed the eruptions of Old Faithful volcano.
In 1864, a gold miner named George Harvey Bacon reportedly traveled through the region with the Native Americans and, according to one of his descendants, “spoke of a geyser that was regular in its eruption and [which] Later it was called Old Faithful. ” A mountaineer reportedly first saw Geyser in 1864 and reported that, to his knowledge, he had not missed a volcanic eruption between that year and the time he was interviewed in 1883.
The first officially documented observations of the river came in 1870, with the Washburn-Doane-Langford expedition to the area. Nathaniel Langford is said to have fired the geyser, who noted: “They blow out at regular intervals nine times during our stay, and columns of boiling water are tossed from ninety to one hundred twenty-five feet at each drain, which lasted from fifteen to twenty minutes. The name is “Old Faithful”.
This name was confirmed by Ferdinand V. Hayden, who led the 1871 Geological Survey that led to the creation of Yellowstone as the world’s first national park in 1872. Hayden of Old Faithful wrote: “This geyser was named by Mr. NP Langford, and it maintains very well the reputation it gave it. It was the Doane and Washburn Expedition in 1870. It was called the Guardian of the Valley. It is regular in its operations and occurs so frequently that it provides extraordinary facilities for surveillance. “
The time between Old Faithful revolutions has not remained constant over the years. In the 1870s, explorers noted that the time between eruptions was 60-70 minutes. This remained the case during the 1950s, but then began to lengthen to today’s average, which is 94 +/- 10 minutes between blasts. About 2% of the bangs are short, and only last about 2.5 minutes. After these short explosions, the time of the next eruption is also shorter, around 65 minutes.
The lengthening of the time between the eruptions did not go smoothly, but instead occurred as a result of nearby seismic events, including the 1959 M7.3 earthquake in Hepgen Lake (Montana), the 1975 M6.1 Norris Geyser basin earthquake, and the 1983 M6 earthquake. 9 Bora Summit earthquake (Idaho). In the months following each of these events, the interval between eruptions at Old Faithful increased and maintained a new, longer period of time. For example, before the 1983 Bora peak earthquake, Old Faithful erupted on average every 69-70 minutes, but four months after the earthquake, the interval increased and stabilized at 77-78 minutes.
There is also evidence that precipitation can influence periods of Old Faithful’s eruption. During wet years, the time interval is slightly less than during dry years, possibly reflecting the greater volume of water available to feed eruptions. So even the climate has an effect on how Old Faithful works.
Old Faithful has attracted attention since early explorers visited the area, no doubt from generations of Native Americans before that. The geyser is truly a marvel, and like all Yellowstone’s hydrothermal features it is dynamic and ever-changing.
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