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What are they and how soon should you call the NHS?


of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Since its debut earlier this year, it has spread rapidly around the world. More than 600,000 people are known to be infected, with more than 27,000 deaths recorded World wide

Most of New case The virus recorded daily is now outside China, and the virus is now present in almost every country in the world.

Currently 14,579 confirmed British caseIt is thought that more people are infected and 759 of patients have died. Currently, more than 113,000 people have been tested in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Experts have warned for years that the world is behind Outbreak of major illnessHowever, there is much that an individual can do to protect himself or himself.

This practical guide is designed to keep you safe and is updated daily. It is supported by advice from key experts since the NHS.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause disease animalSeven, including the new virus, have jumped on humans, but most often cause common symptoms like a cold.

Only the other two coronaviruses – Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) – Fatal, but not as large as Covid-19. They Killed more than 1,500 people among them Since 2002.

So far, about 15-20% of Covid-19 cases have been classified as “severe”, with current mortality rates ranging from 0.7% to 3.4%, depending on location and access to critical hospital care. Vary between.

Chinese scientists believe it Covid-19 has been mutated into two strains, Is more aggressive than others and can complicate vaccine development.

What are the mild symptoms of coronavirus?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the main symptoms of coronavirus are usually:

  • Dry cough
  • temperature
  • Fatigue / malaise
  • Shortness of breath (if more serious)

WHO adds that some patients may show “pain and pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea”. “These symptoms are usually mild and begin slowly. Some people do not develop symptoms when infected and do not feel sick.”

The chart below shows some of the most commonly reported symptoms.

read more: What do you feel if you have mild coronavirus symptoms?

Senior physicians also expanded the official list of coronavirus symptoms, Smell and taste Patients have also reported stomach pain and eye pain.

Specialists say they are “flooded” in a wave of patients reporting a sudden loss of their smell or taste (usually within 24 hours).

What is the incubation period?

Symptoms are thought to appear between 2 and 10 days after the virus infection, but can take up to 24 days.

Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without requiring special treatment. However, one in six (16%) becomes severe and has difficulty breathing.

The elderly, and Fundamental medical problems High blood pressure, heart problems, lung disease, diabetes, etc. are more likely to develop serious illnesses.

When should I seek medical help?

If you have difficulty breathing-for example, if you are breathing too fast, you need to seek medical help. But don’t go to the GP-call NHS 111. NHS 111 Website There is a symptom checker and specific advice on what to do if you feel difficult to breathe.

The government recommends self-isolation for 7 days if you have fever and cough, the main early symptoms of coronavirus. But if you live with others, those who live with you need to be self-isolated for 14 days. This helps protect others.

If you live alone, ask your neighbors, friends and family to get what you need.

There is no need to call NHS 111 to perform self-separation. However, if the symptoms worsen during isolation at home, or do not improve after seven days, NHS 111 onlineIf you do not have internet access, please contact NHS 111.

Medical emergency dial 999.

How to “self-isolate” if you think you are infected with a coronavirus

If you think you have a virus, Isolate or isolate yourself

That means you need to do the following:

  • stay at home
  • Do not go to work or other public places
  • Do not use public transport or taxis
  • Instead of delivering food and medicine to friends and family, shop

How can the coronavirus spread and how can I protect myself?

The most important advice to follow is to stay home and wash your hands.

Like a cold or flu bug, new viruses spread through water droplets when a person coughs or sneezes. The droplet travels up to three meters, lands on the surface, and spreads further when touched by others.

When an infected hand touches the mouth, nose, or eyes, it becomes infected.

Therefore, the most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to wash your hands often with soap and water or a hand sanitizing gel and keep your hands clean.

Also, do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands. On average, we are all going unconsciously. 15 times an hour

Other tips include:

  • Carry a hand sanitizer at any time to make frequent hand cleaning easier
  • Always wash your hands before eating or touching your face
  • Be especially careful when you touch an object before touching your face
  • Sneezing or coughing at the bent part of the elbow to keep your hands clean
  • Carry disposable tissue, cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of the tissue carefully (catch, bin, kill).
  • If you have to go to work, remember the rules of social distance and stay away from people
  • After going out, wash your hands when you enter the room
  • Regularly clean your hands as well as frequently used surfaces and devices you touch or handle

Did the new virus spread only from the nose and mouth?

Probably not, but they are by far the most common risks.

The NHS and WHO advise doctors that the virus is likely to be found in other body fluids, such as blood, feces, and urine.

Again, hand and surface hygiene is key.

How do I protect my family, especially my children?

Children are a major vehicle of the spread of droplet-based viruses because they physically interact very much and are not good at keeping themselves clean.

Although the virus appears to affect the elderly in general, the government warns that children can be infected and serious illness can occur.

However, the following methods can significantly reduce the risk of children spreading or catching the virus:

  • Explain how bacteria spread and the importance of hand and face hygiene

  • Never meet friends despite the boredom they are getting, as they guarantee that they stick to the rules of social distance

  • Keep household surfaces clean, especially kitchens, bathrooms, door handles and light switches

  • Use a clean or disposable cloth to wipe the surface and keep bacteria from transferring from one surface to another

  • Give everyone their own towels and let them know not to share toothbrushes etc.

  • Keep the house dry and airy (bugs thrive in a moldy environment)

The government recommends that people stay at home and keep a social distance. Stay at least 3 meters away from others.

Do not go to work unless it is essential.

read more: Lockdown plan meaning

What about face masks? Do they work?

Dissertation Face mask It is not recommended by the UK Public Health Service, the NHS, or any other major public health authority, and for good reason.

They are inadequate and any protection they may provide first expires immediately. Worse, they quickly become moist, providing an optimal environment for bacteria to thrive. If inadvertently discarded, it can be dangerous to others.

The exception to this is if they were showing symptoms such as coughing or sneezing. Masks help prevent the virus from spreading to others in busy areas.

read more Here face mask

Are some groups of people at higher risk than others?

According to Chinese data, older people are more likely to develop serious illnesses, but people of all ages are at risk of getting the virus.

People with reduced survival rates for pneumonia include the following:

Of the first 425 deaths identified in mainland China, 80% were people over the age of 60 and 75% had some underlying condition.

However, Young people are not “invincible” Because WHO has to warn and follow official advice.

Is there a coronavirus vaccine?

There is not now vaccineBut, scientists around the world are competing to produce it, thanks to the rapid sharing of the virus’s genetic code in China.

However, potential vaccines are unavailable for up to one year, and are most likely to be given to healthcare professionals who are at the highest risk of first getting the virus. In addition, Chinese researchers said the virus May have mutated to two strains, One of which is very aggressive and makes finding vaccines more difficult.

For now, it is a case of containment, enhancing the hospital’s ability to treat patients. The UK government’s Conornavirus Action Plan Delay and flatten the epidemic curve Ill to avoid being overwhelmed by the NHS as happened in Wuhan.

The ability to treat patients in need of in-patient care is already becoming a major challenge for the NHS. This is what caused the government lockdown. Follow the advice above and make a little effort to delay the outbreak.

Spraying disinfectant at Incheon International Airport in Korea as concerns over coronavirus outbreaks rise

credit: Seo Myung Gong / Yong Hap

What is the difference between coronavirus and influenza virus?

Coronaviruses and influenza viruses can cause similar symptoms, but are very different genetically. Humans do not have innate immunity because coronaviruses begin in animals.

“The influenza virus lurks rapidly, and symptoms tend to appear 2-3 days after infection, but the coronavirus takes much longer,” said Neil Ferguson, a disease development scientist at Imperial College London. States.

“[With the] Become a flu virus ImmunityBut, a lot of different viruses are circulating. Coronaviruses do not evolve like influenza and there are many different strains, but our body does not produce very good immunity. “

What is Hantavirus?

A Chinese man died of a hantavirus in March. The disease is spread by rats and other rodents. There are different types of hantavirus depending on where you live in the world, and according to the latest data from the European Centers for Disease Control, there were about 4,000 cases in Europe in 2017, with a mortality rate of about 0.5%.

The disease spreads through the urine, feces, and saliva of infected rodents and does not spread from person to person. Farm and forest workers are at the most risk, with 70% of European cases in 2017 occurring in Germany and France.

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