How to know if you have vitamin D deficiency
Dr. Anthony Forch “So-called immunity enhancement” The supplements sold in Covid-19 do almost nothing, he believes in the benefits of vitamin D.
“If you’re deficient in vitamin D, it affects your susceptibility to infections, so I don’t mind recommending it. I’m taking vitamin D supplements myself,” Fauci said. , 79 said. Instagram live September 10th.
However, understanding whether you have vitamin D deficiency and whether the amount of supplements you need to take is complex. In fact, medical professionals have been discussing the effectiveness of routine vitamin D screening and supplement recommendations for years.
“You wander in the maze,” Dr. Clifford Rosen, an endocrinologist and professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, has been studying vitamin D for over 30 years and told CNBC Make It.
This is what you need to know from three experts.
Why Vitamin D Is Important
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, Play an important role With the building Maintaining muscle And overall bone health. For people who are low in vitamin D It develops bones that are more brittle than cartilage.
The main source of vitamin D is direct sunlight and fatty fish (Salmon, tuna, mackerel), Mushrooms and milk.
In addition, researchers at the University of Chicago School of Medicine found Link between Vitamin D Deficiency and Potential Infection COVID-19 — According to a study published in September, people with untreated deficiencies were more likely to test positive. (National Institute of Health Sciences statement “There are not enough data to recommend or deny the use of vitamin D for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19.
How do I know if you have vitamin D deficiency?
by Investigation Was announced in 2014 According to the NIH, researchers estimated that 35% of adults and nearly 50% of babies in the United States have vitamin D deficiency.
Without a blood test (more on that later), it can be difficult to tell. Early signs of vitamin D deficiency, if present, are subtle. According to experts, you may not show any symptoms.
However, according to Dr. Raman Madang, a dermatologist at Huntington Hospital in Northwell Health, vitamin D deficiency can accelerate skin aging and dry skin. And over time, severe deficiency can cause muscle weakness and fractures, said Paul Thomas, a registered dietitian and scientific consultant at the National Institutes of Health’s Dietary Supplements Department.
Studies also show that long-term vitamin D deficiency Bone-related diseases For adults and children.
That said, the only way to really know if you have vitamin D deficiency is to have a blood test done by your doctor, says Thomas.
However, it is recommended that all healthcare professionals perform regular vitamin D tests.
Vitamin D tests and supplements can be controversial
Regular vitamin D tests Controversial Among medical professionals.
For example, the National Endocrine Society (NES) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommend limiting vitamin D testing to specific patients, such as those at risk of bone weakness or certain chronic diseases. .. Rhodan and Madan also say that not everyone needs vitamin D supplements, only those who have confirmed and are experiencing symptoms of deficiency, Madan says.
One of the criticisms of regular vitamin D testing is that it can be time consuming and costly for insurance companies. The out-of-pocket cost of the vitamin D test is $ 40 to $ 225, by Kaiser Health News. And usually most vitamin D tests Health insurance..
Another problem is the result of extensive vitamin D testing, Unnecessary treatment of patients with supplements.. “It leads to a lot of people getting very high doses of vitamin D,” says Rosen.
There are concerns about overdose of vitamin D — NIH (National Institutes of Health) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limitExcessive vitamin D can cause nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and weight loss. Severe vitamin D toxicity can cause confusion, disorientation, and cardiac rhythm problems.
In addition, there is not much scientific evidence that taking vitamin D in the absence of deficiency can help. According to Rosen, it’s safe to take small doses (600 IU-800 IU per day — IU (international unit) is the unit of measurement when selling tablets), but “Is it really effective? It’s a problem. “
So far, studies conducted on vitamin D supplementation have not shown clear results. Rosen says its effectiveness will not be established until researchers conduct a randomized controlled trial of the effects of vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of chronic diseases and acute infections such as Covid 19.
on the other hand, Dr. Michael Holic, Vitamin D Researcher, Professor of Medicine, Boston University, Director of Bone Healthcare Clinic, NES guidelinesBelieving in the effectiveness of Vitamin D, everyone believes it should be taken.
Holic points to him the study Other the study It suggests a link between low vitamin D levels and higher rates Various illnesses. According to Holic’s 2010 book, Vitamin D Solutions, vitamin D deficiency is very common, and supplements often cause a myriad of illnesses associated with deficiencies such as heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Helps avoid it “(past the study Low vitamin D levels are said to increase the risk of cardiovascular events and some cancers. )
Holick refers to NES recommendations for adults to supplement about 1500-2000 IU of vitamin D daily to ensure vitamin D sufficiency. “Obesity people need two to three times as much,” says endocrinologist Holic.
The NIH Dietary Supplements Department does not recommend taking supplements, but states that the daily limit for adults is 4,000 IU.
Holic However, it has been criticized. 2018, New York Times Holic reported receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from the vitamin D supplement industry for many years for his research. Holic said Times Industry funding “doesn’t affect me when it comes to talking about the health benefits of vitamin D.” And Holic says CNBC Make It He admitted that he was behind the peer-reviewed and published science and was constantly disclosing financial information.
How to Get Vitamin D Without Supplements
According to Thomas, natural vitamin D accumulates in the blood when it is adequately consumed in the sun or from food. “If your blood levels of vitamin D are good enough at the end of summer, it can stay at adequate levels throughout the winter … if you take vitamin D from food” and to the excessive sun The exposure of unhealthy According to NIH, the body naturally limits the amount of vitamin D it produces, so it does not cause vitamin D toxicity for any other reason.
For food, “Foods that contain natural vitamin D are oily fish such as wild salmon that contain about 600-1,000 IU of vitamin D, sun-exposed mushrooms, and cod liver oil. 8 fortified with vitamin D. Contains 100 ounces of milk or 100 IU of oranges. “
Holick also recommends “wise sun exposure” for “some” vitamin D, but “significant vitamins before 10 am and after 3 pm no matter where you live in the United States. I can’t take D. ” He also says that wearing a sunscreen with a sunscreen factor of 30 reduces the ability of the skin to produce vitamin D by 97.5%.
Holick dminder To help them understand how much vitamin D they get from the sun.
Thomas says you should consult your healthcare provider before taking vitamin D supplements.
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