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What you need to know about COVID-19 |


Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some strains affect animals, others affect humans. Most coronaviruses attach to their species. COVID-19 has not been proven to circulate between humans and animals.

Can animals get sick or spread with COVID-19? At present, there is no evidence that animals can become sick with COVID-19 or infect other animals or humans. To date, the CDC has not received any reports that pets or other animals have contracted COVID-19 in the United States. CDC animals and coronavirus disease 2019 ( / prepare / animals.html) Web page for additional information.

Can pets be used as fomits in the spread of COVID-19? At this time, there is no evidence that the virus responsible for COVID-19 can be transmitted to humans from pet skin and fur. COVID-19 appears to be transmitted primarily by contact with infected body secretions, such as cough and sneezing saliva and mucous droplets.

COVID-19 can be transmitted by touching a contaminated surface or object and then by mouth, nose, or perhaps by eye, but this appears to be a secondary pathway. Smooth (non-porous) surfaces (eg countertops, door knobs) are more permeable to viruses than porous materials (banknotes, pet fur, etc.). Touch

Because your pet’s hair is porous and fibrous, you rarely shrink COVID-19 by interacting with or playing with your pet. However, it is always a good idea to wash your hands in advance, as animals can spread other diseases to humans and humans can spread diseases to animals WWW.TAHC.TEXAS.GOV 02.20 Updated as of March 23, 2020 after interaction with animals. Make sure your pet is in good condition. And regularly clean your pet’s food and water bowl, bedding and toys.

Can you take the animal to a vet? If your pet is healthy and needs to see a vet, call before taking him to the vet. The veterinary clinic has taken precautionary measures and there may be special operating procedures that you will be required to follow.

If you become sick with COVID-19 or another communicable disease, you need to stay at home until you are healthy and minimize contact with others. Therefore, in the case of non-urgent bookings of pets or service animals, until the physician and / or public health officer considers that there is no risk of transmitting the infection to other people that may be encountered at such times Consider changing your booking. Visits involving pet or other animal owners and veterinary clinic staff.

Can I contact animals if I have COVID-19? As with others, you need to restrict contact with pets and other animals while you are sick with COVID-19. Although there have been no reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19, it is recommended that people who become sick with COVID-19 limit their contact with animals until details about the new coronavirus are known.

If possible, have another member of the housework take care of the animal when sick. If you are sick with COVID-19, avoid contact with pets such as caressing, snuggling, kissing and licking, and sharing food.

If you are the only caretaker of your animal or if you have a service dog; do not kiss, hug or face-to-face. Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling any animal items (toys, dishes, etc.).

How can I prepare for animal care if hospitalized for COVID-19? Identify other people in your family or community who are willing to take care of your pet. Have an emergency kit with at least 2 weeks of pet food and the required medicines.

Can animals be vaccinated with COVID-19? At present, there is no evidence that animals can become sick with COVID-19 or infect other animals or humans. Livestock and companion animal coronavirus vaccines are available, but animal owners recognize that these vaccines provide protection against other specific coronaviruses and do not provide protection against the virus that causes COVID-19 is needed.

Can an Animal Coronavirus Vaccine Prevent COVID-19 Transmission? Livestock and companion animal coronavirus vaccines have not been approved for use in people. These vaccines are intended for use only in animals and do not provide protection against COVID-19.

Should my animals be tested for COVID-19? At this time, general animal testing for COVID-19 has not been recommended by the CDC or the Texas State Department of Health (DSHS). Currently, there is no evidence that animals develop COVID-19. If your pet shows signs of a respiratory infection, consult your veterinarian so they can evaluate the animal for common respiratory illnesses. Updated on March 23, 2020 Are there livestock movement restrictions? Currently, there are no livestock movement restrictions in the United States associated with COVID-19.

Is the livestock market open? The livestock market is open and continues to operate throughout the United States and Texas. If you have any questions, please contact your local market. Note that livestock markets are working with state and local public health authorities to take appropriate measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.


CDC: Animal and Coronavirus Disease 2019 ( animals.html)

American Veterinary Association: COVID-19 (

Texas Veterinary Medical Association: COVID-19 Resources (

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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