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Researcher wins Nobel Prize for discovery of hepatitis C

Researcher wins Nobel Prize for discovery of hepatitis C


This year Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Awarded to three scientists who contributed to the discovery of hepatitis C virus (HCV), leading to the development of effective treatments and ultimately the path to research that eliminates global health threats. opened.

Winners, Dr. Harvey Alter of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Michael Houghton of the University of Alberta, Canada, and Dr. Charles Rice of Rockefeller University in New York City will share the $ 1.07 million prize equally. ..

“Before their study, the discovery of hepatitis A and B viruses was an important step forward, but the majority of cases of blood-borne hepatitis remained unexplained,” Nobel Congress said in it. Said Announcement of the award.. “The discovery of the hepatitis C virus has uncovered the causes of the remaining cases of chronic hepatitis, enabling blood tests and new drugs that have saved millions of lives.”

Prior to the identification of HCV, hepatitis C was known as “non-A / non-B hepatitis” because it was a distinct disease that was clearly not caused by the two hepatitis viruses recognized at the time. Was called. Over the years or decades, chronic hepatitis C can cause serious liver complications such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and the need for a liver transplant.

Alter and his team at the National Institutes of Health are concerned about cases of unexplained hepatitis in transfusion recipients who were negative for hepatitis A and B viruses, and blood from these patients turned into chimpanzees. It has been shown that it can infect the disease. .. However, the new virus has been evaded for more than a decade.

Houghton and his colleagues at Chiron at the time worked to identify fragments of the genetic material of the virus and break the genetic code of the virus using antibodies from patients with a mysterious disease.Eventually, they identified a new RNA virus in Flaviviridae family.

Rice and his team at Washington University in St. Louis used genetic engineering to create a replicative mutant of HCV. When injected into the liver of chimpanzees, it resulted in pathological changes similar to those seen in people with unexplained illness.

According to the Nobel Congress, the researchers’ research has led to the development of hepatitis B screening tests as well as HCV blood tests that essentially eliminate post-transfusion hepatitis in many parts of the world.

Prior to the introduction of direct-acting antivirals in 2013, the standard treatment for hepatitis C was interferon-based treatment. This usually involves weekly injections for 6 months to 1 year, causing difficult side effects and healing only about half of the treated patients. Today, almost everyone with HCV can be cured with well-tolerated oral medications in a few months, and experts and advocates are looking to eliminate hepC as a public health problem around the world. Is facing.

Former Alter and Houghton Share the Lasker Award— Recognized as the “American Nobel Prize” in the 2000 Hepatitis C Study Rice won the award in 2016, With Dr. Ralph Baltensschlager of Heidelberg University Hospital, and Dr. Michael Sophia of Arbutos Biopharma. Houghton became famous in 2013 Refused the prestigious Canadian award That’s because he didn’t recognize two of his colleagues in Chiron, Qui-Lim Choo and PhD, and George Kuo and PhD, who played an integral role in the discovery research.

Houghton told reporters this week that he would win the Nobel Prize, but reiterated the communality of scientific research. “Many people are involved in most, if not all, big inventions,” he said.

click here To learn more about hepatitis C.


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