German researchers discover two new relatives in Wisconsin
A team of researchers, including two from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has solved a long-standing biological mystery. Also known as rubella.
“Rubella was this lonely wolf, this mystery, this virus without relatives,” said Tony Goldberg, a UW epidemiologist who maintains a research project in Kibale National Park, Uganda. It was Kibare that one of the relatives of the two new viruses was found in a properly named cyclops leaf-nose bat. The bat virus was named ruhugu.
Goldberg and his former PhD student Andrew J. Bennett, in collaboration with US and German researchers, reported two rubella relatives. In a paper published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.
German researchers have discovered a virus called rubella, a second-degree relative of rubella.
Rustrela is three animals, a donkey, Bennett’s Kinobori Kangaroo, and Capibara, the world’s largest rodent, and was found in an unidentified German zoo. All three zoo animals died of severe neurological disorders. The virus was also found in yellow-necked wild mice in and around the zoo. Mice seem to stay healthy.
A major breakthrough in rubella occurs when interest in the nature of the virus and the threat it poses is probably higher than ever due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Rubella is a more isolated virus because very few people work on it,” said Roberto Cataneo, a researcher and measles expert at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Cattaneo, who was not involved in the study, called it a “great job” and added, “I think this certainly helps to understand the basic virology of rubella.”
The discovery of two rubella relatives could also help in efforts to develop treatments for more than 100,000 babies worldwide who suffer from congenital rubella syndrome each year.
A syndrome in which the virus is transmitted from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy can result in the baby suffering from hearing loss, vision loss, heart disease, or other birth defects.
Many cases of congenital rubella syndrome cause stillbirth, miscarriage, and fetal malformations.
The last rubella pandemic in the United States occurred in 1964 and 1965, infecting 12.5 million people and killing 11,000 pregnant women.
The rubella vaccine was approved for widespread use in 1969, after which infections declined rapidly. In 2004, the Pan American Health Organization declared that rubella had been eliminated from the United States. The disease is no longer widespread in the Americas or the United States all year round.
Still, the virus remains a mystery, and congenital rubella syndrome remains a problem in other parts of the world.
The discovery of UW began with Bennett’s interest in bat species, which were not the primary target of virus hunters. For one thing, cyclops leaf-nosed bats roost in trees rather than in caves, making them more difficult to find and catch.
At Kibare’s field station, Bennett began investigating hollow trees in the woods and identifying various roosts. Then he went out to the tree just at dusk when the bats left the roost.
In 2017, he used the net to catch bats and take saliva samples. DNA from the sample was then analyzed at the Navy Medical Research Center in Frederick, Maryland. Here Bennett is currently working as a research scientist.
In early 2019, Bennett received a text from one of Maryland’s scientists who analyzed bat DNA. Bats had a virus that resembled rubella.
“It blew my heart away,” Bennett said. “Rubella has had a great impact on humans. The fact that there are no relatives was actually unique among all viruses.”
As he and Goldberg were preparing to announce their findings, they learned that a German team had found another rubella relative, and the two groups decided to work together in one paper.
Bennett said the researchers now believe they will start finding other rubella relatives.
Goldberg said rubella relatives could cross the species barrier and infect humans.
He said that an important area of ​​the rubella virus and its two relatives are very similar. It happens that all three areas of the virus bind to the cells of the infected host.
Currently, Goldberg said there is no evidence that the bat virus has spread to other species.
“But that area of ​​rubella is very similar to our bat virus,” he said, “similar enough that we shouldn’t dismiss the possibility.”
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