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Helps prevent osteoporosis through exercise

Helps prevent osteoporosis through exercise


Today, October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day.

Join the National Osteoporosis Foundations around the world to raise awareness and resources to improve bone health!

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone becomes brittle and brittle due to tissue loss. As the bone becomes porous, it reduces the density and quality of the bone. This condition puts a person at risk of hip and spinal fractures and, in extreme cases, makes it difficult to perform normal daily activities and movements.

Bone loss and muscle atrophy occur as a normal aging process. The rate at which the loss occurs is up to you.

So, if you already have osteoporosis, what can you do to prevent it and reduce the rate of bone loss?

Of course, let’s exercise!

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you can pack exercise into pills, it will be the most widely prescribed drug in the country.” I really believe, and exercise is a big key when it comes to strengthening bones and reducing your risk from the negative effects of osteoporosis!

Osteoporosis is running hard in my family. I saw my grandmother significantly lose her height and ability to walk around due to bone loss. She has reached the point that even flipping in bed would be difficult with her spine. My mother is also struggling with bone density issues, and her doctor tells her four girls to know this to do a lot of exercise to keep our bones strong I told you to say.

Therefore, doctors and I agree — exercise is an excellent drug to keep our bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

How can exercise help? A sedentary lifestyle (a little exercise) promotes bone loss. By exercising regularly, you can reduce the rate of bone loss. Most fractures are caused by falls. By exercising to increase muscle strength and improve balance, you can reduce the chance of a fall.

Exercise reduces bone loss, improves muscle strength, improves reaction time, improves mobility, improves balance and coordination, reduces the risk of fractures by reducing the chance of falls, reduces pain, and more. Feeling and vitality that helps to promote good.

I recently re-evaluated the members of Sam B. Cook Healthplex. She was about 55 years old and was told that she had signs of low bone mass. She was advised to walk a lot for weight-bearing exercise. She said she was doing well, but when she started the strength training I helped in 2015, she and her doctor noticed that the loss rate was declining. She feels good as she exercises posture and balance along with weight support exercises.

As the best overall program for osteoporosis prevention, we recommend combining weight-supporting aerobic and muscle-building (resistance) exercises with specific balance exercises. Weight-supporting aerobic exercise includes walking, dancing, and stepping. Resistance exercises are where muscles pull bones when training. For strength training, use free weights such as dumbbells and barbells, rubber band resistance, weight resistance, or weight training machines. We also recommend exercises to improve posture, balance exercises, tai chi, and standing functional movements.

Underwater exercise is also suitable for those who have already seen the adverse effects of osteoporosis. Swimming and underwater exercise are not weight-supporting exercises because the buoyancy of water counteracts the effects of gravity. However, exercising in water can improve cardiovascular health and muscle strength. People with severe osteoporosis or kyphosis (hunting on the upper back) who are at high risk of fracture may find that swimming or underwater exercise is their preferred activity.

Of course, there are several other things that can help or prevent you from finding strong bones. Risk factors that cannot be controlled include gender, age, physique, family history, and race. However, it is important to note that we can control smoking, excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, lack of exercise, and a low-calcium diet.

So a healthy diet and exercise-a great medicine to keep our bones strong and prevent osteoporosis!

Kay Benward is an exercise specialist and supervisor at the Sam B. Cook Healthplex Fitness Center. She has been with the Capital Regions Medical Center for 29 years, encouraging many to lead a healthy life through exercise. She continues to teach classes and enjoys training mature adults in balance, posture and functional strength, as well as educating clients, staff and the community about exercise as a medicine.

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