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Cleveland doctors are concerned about a mixture of COVID, colds and flu | Health

Cleveland doctors are concerned about a mixture of COVID, colds and flu | Health


Fallen leaves and low temperatures are a severe sign that winter is coming, and the cold and flu season is approaching.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing across Ohio, with Kaiyahoga and other northeastern Ohio counties returning to the “red” category. State Public Health Advisory Warning System.. Hospitalization is also increasing throughout the state.

Medical professionals are even more worried about protecting crowded hospitals and the most vulnerable people as COVID-19 is being thrown into a mixture of viruses that are expected to spread this winter. Doctors in the Cleveland area encourage people to prepare as much as possible before the season goes into full swing.

Find the difference: flu, COVID, minor colds

Colds and flu can spread all year round, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the incidence of these diseases tends to increase from fall to winter, usually peaking between December and February. To reach.

Dr. Nehabeyas, a family doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, states that many symptoms of colds, flu, and COVID-19 are very similar.

Influenza and COVID-19 often show chills, soreness, and fever, but colds are generally not accompanied by fever, Veyas said.

The unique identifier for COVID-19 is the loss of odor and taste, she added.

“The remaining symptoms can actually pass through a variety of respiratory pathogens, where they get a little more complicated,” Veyas said.

It is often difficult to tell the difference between these infections, so if you have an underlying illness or if you know you are infected with COVID-19, if you start to feel cold or flu symptoms. It is advisable to contact your GP.

Her office is already responding to many phone calls from symptomatic patients and trying to determine what kind of illness they have.

“In the past, people could feel,’Well, just a cold, I’m not going to call the clinic for a few days until I’m worried about sinus infections and more serious things.'” “She said. “Now we’re seeing people who have a day or two of symptoms and, of course, they’re obviously interested in COVID. I’ll do that too, so they’ll be me a little earlier. I’ll call you. “

Influenza vaccination is more important than ever

When the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in the United States, doctors may need to pivot to meet the demand for it, so it is advisable to get a flu shot as soon as possible. , Said Andrew Heflon, clinical supervisor, Kaiyahoga County Health Department.

“Most of our infrastructure will move to it, so we can get the flu vaccine before it becomes more complex, and demand is a good move so far,” he said. ..

Doctors point to pharmacies and drive-through clinics as places where you can get a flu shot if you don’t normally go to a place where you get a flu shot, such as a clinic, school, or workplace.

Little is known about influenza strains that have spread in countries where the influenza season is earlier than the United States, such as New Zealand. However, early data show that the flu vaccine seems to be a pretty good match, said Dr. Christine Alexander, chair of family medicine at Metrohealth.

One of the promising observations is that this year’s flu season was mild in these countries.

Some speculate that people have already taken precautions against COVID-19, such as masking and social distance, which has also helped delay the spread of the flu.

According to Alexander, COVID-19 safety measures have already been implemented, which could lead to a similarly mild season in the United States.

“I think it’s very likely that people will reduce the spread of the flu if they really follow the recommendations of masking, hand washing, and social distance,” she said.

But in the United States, there is more opposition to wearing masks and other safety measures than in other countries, Alexander said.

In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine has recently expressed concern that coronavirus cases appear to be on the rise as residents have been less alert and don’t wear masks in public as much as at the beginning of the pandemic. did.

Alexander said he wasn’t sure if the United States could contain the flu like any other country this year.

“We have freedom of choice. The downside of that freedom is that when we say,” Here’s what you have to do, “very legally and legally,” it’s right for me. ” No, and I’m not, that’s part of the population, and I’m going to take those steps, “she said. “It may prevent us from containing the flu as much as possible.”

Still, people who take safety precautions and follow the guidelines have helped prevent the spread of both influenza and COVID-19, Veyas said. But she said people shouldn’t have the wrong sense of security.

“It’s about the cold virus … Sometimes it’s your own immune system and you may be in the weather. You may have picked up something, and it’s you that It’s not that I’m not following everything, “she said. “I get a lot of that question-” How did you pick this up because I did everything right? “And that’s when I can’t answer,” she said.

Doctors continue to advise the public to take common precautions, such as disinfecting the surface and washing their hands frequently, to protect them from all these viruses.

Plan in advance

According to Veyas, there is no need to rush to stockpile groceries and supplies at this point. However, Alexander says people need to have common cold remedies and items such as popsicles, pediatricians, and water bottles that can help relieve symptoms.

For those who receive prescriptions directly, it may be a good idea to start receiving refills by mail, Heflon said.

“I think my brother said it best. We’ve been preparing for COVID for the last 20 years by moving to all shipping and courier,” he said. “If you get a mail-order prescription, I think that’s definitely the way to go.”

Alexander recommends that you consult your GP right now so that you can call your primary care physician if you have any questions or concerns when the illness season is in full swing.

“If your health concerns aren’t properly managed for this season, you can only get worse by getting the flu or COVID, so keep an eye on your health care,” said Alexander. Stated.


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