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Evidence suggests person-to-person transmission, expert report

Evidence suggests person-to-person transmission, expert report


Key Point

  • There have been no reports of Chapare virus since the first cluster was detected in 2004.
  • In 2019, at least 5 cases of the virus were reported
  • The situation surrounding the 2019 incident suggests a person-to-person transmission

The chapare virus was first detected in Bolivia in the early 2000s. Described as something like Ebola, the virus eventually disappeared. However, at this week’s conference, researchers reported a more recent cluster of cases of the Chaparet virus, suggesting the ability of the virus to be transmitted from person to person.

Case of tea plant virus

Chaparet hemorrhagic fever (CHHF) is a deadly virus that causes the following symptoms: EbolaFever, vomiting, headache, gum bleeding, pain in the back of the eyes, rash, abdominal pain, etc. It was named because it was first discovered in Chapare, Bolivia. In the first case group in 2004, only one case was identified. Since then, no other cases of CHHF have been reported.

However, at the annual meeting of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) on Monday, researchers, including experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were present. report Another cluster of 2019 CHHF cases in La Paz, Bolivia. This time, at least five people were infected with the virus.Among them, 3 people died news release From the reported ASTM H.

Dengue fever is so prevalent in the region that it was initially considered a case of dengue fever. However, testing did not reveal traces of the mosquito-borne dengue virus or other, more common pathogens.

“We were hoping to isolate the virus and find a more common disease, but the sequence data showed the Chaparet virus,” CDC Dr. Maria Morales-Betoulle said in a news release. “We were really surprised that the 2019 outbreak in La Paz occurred long after the first case was identified in 2004.”

Communication from person to person

Arenaviruses usually infect humans from infected rodents. CDC That said, it is unclear exactly how CHHF is transmitted. However, in the 2019 case, the situation suggested that CHHF could be transmitted via body fluids.

For example, three of the cases were healthcare professionals. Resident, ambulance medic, gastroenterologist. Unfortunately, two of them have died. According to researchers, there is evidence that residents are more likely to get sick after sucking saliva from a patient when they resuscitate an infected trainee and get sick.

In addition, viral RNA was detected in the semen of one survivor even 168 days after infection, the news release explained, suggesting a possible sexually transmitted infection.

This not only suggests the potential for human-to-human transmission, but also highlights the potential increased risk for healthcare professionals.

Tea plant virus mystery

So far, the exact origin of the virus and how it is transmitted to humans remains unclear. According to the CDC’s Caitlin Cossaboom, DVM, PhD, and MPH, there was evidence of viral RNA in rodents near the first patient’s home and farmland in 2019, confirming that rodents were the source of infection. Is not enough yet.

In addition, the virus, which has existed in Bolivia for many years, may simply be mistaken for the dengue virus.

So far, in a small number of cases, only limited information about the virus has been provided, such as the origin of the virus, how it is transmitted to humans, and the progression and incubation period of symptoms. CDC Said.

Global initiatives

Researchers have pointed out that further research is needed on the disease, but how the 2019 cluster was treated shows the value of international cooperation in its rapid action against emerging infectious diseases. ..

“This study shows that international partnerships can support emergency public health responses and highlights the need to strengthen the capabilities of Bolivian laboratories,” said Joel Breman, MD, DTPH, Chairman of ASTM H. , FASTMH said. “It is a valuable lesson that an international scientific team with the latest tools and free sharing of insights is the best front-line defense against the devastating threat of deadly infectious diseases.”

Ebola workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo wear complete protection against deadly viruses Ebola workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo wear complete protection against deadly viruses Photo: AFP / John WESSELS


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