What is it like to give birth with COVID-19?
- With loneliness during pregnancy birth In the pandemic, some mothers of COVID-19 got worse.
- At the hospital, the new COVID-19 policy prevents future mothers from having partners, doulas, and other supporters nearby during childbirth.
- A Recent research Most babies born to people infected with COVID-19 in late pregnancy were found to be nearly healthy and healthy by the age of 6-8 weeks.
Donna Molina was ill throughout most of her fourth pregnancy. Nausea after taking prenatal vitamins was commonplace and she threw it almost every day.
But in late March, after a week of headaches, body aches, and stuffy nose, when a 32-year-old woman noticed that she had no taste or smell, she realized something was wrong.
The test will soon confirm her suspicion COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..
Things went downhill — fast. She was rushed to the Hackensack Meridian Medical Center in New Jersey with a fever of 103 ° F, intubated, and fell into a coma for 11 days.
“When I woke up, I was very confused. I forgot that I was pregnant, so I didn’t know which hospital I was in,” says a New Jersey mom. “The hospital psychiatrist explained that I gave birth to a girl by emergency caesarean section in the 30th week.”
The next day, she met her 3-pound daughter Harley in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) via FaceTime.
Molina will not be able to hold a Harley until May 7 (more than a month after birth) because she tested negative for COVID-19 twice and had to recover from ongoing complications. was.
Despite the trials, Molina considers herself lucky. She says she received a lot of support from the care team.
According to a recent study 61 percent Some people who gave birth to a baby during a pandemic feel that their support for childbirth is inadequate.
This is just one of many ways this year’s childbirth has changed, especially for those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 during pregnancy.
The COVID-19 threat, along with a lack of consistent guidance from health authorities, has left hospitals and obstetric health care providers and developed a unique strategy to keep pregnant parents and health care workers safe.
Early in the pandemic, some healthcare providers switched to telemedicine for prenatal visits, banning partners, friends, and family from making direct appointments with patients.
In the hospital, a new policy prevents future mothers from having a partner, doula, or other supporter by their side during childbirth.
It makes many feel lonely and says they were unsupported during this year’s pregnancy Dr. Jennifer Conti, OB-GYN based in the San Francisco Bay Area,Vaginal book.. ”
“All elements of that normal support structure will be demolished,” she says. “Usually even those seeking a postnatal support system cannot be there due to travel restrictions, curfew, and the risk of COVID-19.”
Loneliness and isolation during pregnancy and childbirth in a pandemic are exacerbated by some COVID-19 mothers, including Kate Glaser, a 32-year-old mother of three living in northern New York.
After a positive test for the disease on the 39th week of pregnancy, Glazer was no longer allowed to go directly to the clinic for medical examination and was rested in his home quarantine. She felt like “10 times the flu”.
“It was very isolated,” she says. “I was worried that my husband would be in the delivery room with me. I had a lot of worries because this is our last baby.”
She wore a mask and gave birth to a healthy baby Isla with her husband a few weeks later. She was still positive for COVID-19.
Mental health problems during pregnancy appear to be increasing during the pandemic.
so Recent survey Of the 885 women who gave birth to babies in hospitals nationwide between March and July, nearly 34% of participants experienced anxiety, up from 20% before the pandemic.
The study also showed that the rate of depression in pregnant women was nearly 19%, compared to the typical rate of less than 13%.
“They don’t know what happens when they arrive at the hospital, whether or not they can send their children to day care or school. Many families also experience financial insecurity due to unemployment. I am doing it. ” Dr. Lisa Win, OB-GYN and UC Health Highlands Ranch Hospital, Colorado Women’s Service Line Chief.
“We are actively working with patients to manage stress from both the world and at home,” she adds.
In addition to depression and anxiety, many people who test positive for COVID-19 during pregnancy can add another condition to their list of emotional concerns. It’s a mother’s guilt.
“When they told me they were COVID positive, I fell into a chair and sobbed,” Glasser recalls.
She took all precautions, from wearing a mask to disinfect her hands to avoiding a social gathering, but she nevertheless said her illness could endanger her baby. I felt “incredibly guilty”.
Guilt continued during her quarantine when she was unable to see or care for the three-year-old twins.
And after giving birth, the nurse had to wipe the inside of the newborn’s nose and test for COVID-19, which prevented immediate skin-to-skin contact.
“You feel guilty when you get sick,” adds Molina, who is also the caregiver of a multiple sclerosis partner.
Both Molina and Glaser gave birth to an infant relatively early in the pandemic. There was further uncertainty about how COVID-19 affects pregnancy.
Since then, Survey Most babies born to mothers infected with COVID-19 in late pregnancy were found to be nearly healthy and healthy by the age of 6-8 weeks.
The findings should provide some relief for worried pregnant parents, but research is still ongoing.
Now that researchers have a better understanding of COVID-19 and how it spreads, many hospitals have relaxed visitor restrictions during childbirth and allowed at least one supporter. It was.
While these policies and recommendations should help give people some reassurance when planning a pandemic childbirth, doctors say there is still plenty of room to improve their experience. ..
“I think it would be great if the hospital invested in an in-house doula that is regularly scrutinized and tested to support its mother during this particularly difficult time,” says Conti.
Meanwhile, social media is filling some of the support gaps for pregnant women with COVID-19.
After Glazer shares her COVID-19 childbirth experience Instagram, She received messages from moms all over the world, but all are experiencing the same thing.
“I’ve helped them through their journey. They want to know if there is hope at the end of this,” she says.
“The physical symptoms of the virus were serious, but the emotional symptoms were exacerbated, and it is very important to rely on others who have experienced the virus,” Glasser says.
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