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Cocoa flavanols improve cerebrovascular function and cognition in young and healthy adults, a new study states

Cocoa flavanols improve cerebrovascular function and cognition in young and healthy adults, a new study states


A phytonutrient called flavanols has quickly gained a reputation for its nutritious properties. Flavonols are polyphenols that belong to a class of phytonutrients called flavonoids. This phytonutrient is considered to be very beneficial because of its antioxidant properties, especially because it can combat damage from free radicals in the body. A Recent research It has been shown that flavanols in foods such as apples and tea help control blood pressure levels.

Now, Science report Cocoa flavanols suggest that they can enhance vascular function in the brain and improve cognitive abilities in young and healthy subjects.

Previous studies on cocoa flavanols

It is important to note that this is not the first study to celebrate the benefits of cocoa flavanols, but is based on the foundation provided by many other studies published in recent years.Published in British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology In 2013, cocoa powder and chocolate were shown to contain very high proportions of flavanols that can cross the blood-brain barrier and improve brain function. These flavanols are also thought to cause a variety of brain activities, including angiogenesis, neurogenesis, and neuronal morphology, in areas of the brain related to learning and memory.

Another study published in Nutrition frontier In 2017, it became clear that cocoa flavanols could play a protective role by improving memory, attention, processing and cognition, and prevent cognitive decline in the elderly. In addition, cocoa flavanols enhance the function of blood vessels, and the benefits of these blood vessels also protect against age-related cardiovascular disease.

New research Science report Taking clues from such studies, if cocoa flavanols improve vascular function and benefit the heart, do they extend the idea that they can also improve vascular function in the brain, thereby improving cognition?

Cerebrovascular function in healthy adults

To find out if cocoa flavanols improve cerebrovascular function and link them to cognitive improvement, researchers recruited 17 young subjects without brain, heart, vascular, and respiratory disease. did. All subjects were also nonsmokers. Researchers believed that the effects of cocoa flavanols on these individuals were more relevant than those with illness or health problems, so they decided to select subjects in this group. Cerebrovascular activity in the participants’ brains was measured prior to the start of the study.

When the study began, participants took two separate exams. One was given cocoa rich in flavanols and the other was given processed cocoa with a very low flavanol content. Two hours after taking cocoa in each study, participants underwent a standardized test to challenge the cerebrovascular system. Participants were asked to breathe air with 5% carbon dioxide (100% higher than normal levels in the atmosphere).

This challenge spurs a reaction known as oxygenation, through which blood flow to the brain increases, allowing this important organ to eliminate carbon dioxide. Researchers measured oxygenation levels in the participants’ frontal cortex during this challenge. They also challenged participants with complex tasks that required full support from the frontal cortex to see if oxygenation and proper cognition could be performed simultaneously without major side effects.

Reaction of oxygenation and cognitive function

Researchers found that almost all participants showed stronger and faster oxygenation responses after taking flavanol-rich cocoa than after taking low-flavanol cocoa. .. This oxygenation reaction was more than three-fold higher in the flavanol-rich cocoa test, almost one minute faster. In addition, participants were able to solve complex problems 11% faster than when taking low flavanol cocoa, and performed well on cognitive tasks. These exceptional results were found to be lacking only in the four participants who already had good oxygenation rates before the start of the study.

Therefore, scientists conclude that after taking cocoa flavanols, very healthy people may not see the same improvement in cerebrovascular and cognitive function, but healthy young adults show significant improvement. It was. Researchers are now looking to take these findings further to see if unhealthy young adults have the same response to cocoa flavanols.

For more information How to improve your brain power..

The Firstpost Health article was created by, India’s first and largest resource for validated medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all the information about health.

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