Smoking Weeds and Coronaviruses: Occasional Use Increases Risk of Covid-19 Complications
Occasional smoking of marijuana increases the risk of more serious complications from Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus.
Wait a minute, you may say, I’m just getting started and I’m not smoking much-so what’s the harm?
The problem is that the last thing you want during a pandemic is to make it more difficult for doctors to diagnose your symptoms, said Dr. Mitchellgrass, a pulmonologist and spokesperson for the American Lung Association. That was the thing.
“Covid-19 is a lung disease,” Grass said. “If you need to see a doctor or health care professional,” “Oh, by the way, I’m not a cannabis addict, but I’ve decided to use cannabis to calm down.
“I don’t want to disrupt healthcare professionals, so I can quickly and accurately assess what’s going on,” he added.
Is the cough smoking or coronavirus
“Chronic” marijuana smoking is defined as everyday use and damages the lungs over a period of time. The end result is “similar to chronic bronchitis. Of course, this is one of the terms used in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),” Glass said.
Even just a few cigarettes show signs of lung damage from smoking within days. Although we do not compare one or two hits of marijuana, weed joints have some unique properties that are clearly problematic for the lungs, even for new smokers. Glass said.
Think about what happens to cigarettes if you light the ashtray and leave it in the ashtray. Only the ash remains and burns quickly to the filter.
“It’s surrounded by paper. It’s completely dry. It’s burned at very high temperatures,” Grass said.
Consider how your joints burn. There is always a weed called “roach”.
“Marijuana burns at a much lower temperature than commercial tobacco,” Grass said. “To that end, he is inhaling a certain amount of unburned plant material.”
This means that ragweed, birch and oak pollen irritate the lungs, just as those with allergies, he said.
“In other words, some patients have airways that are susceptible to bronchospasm and coughing soon.”
Also, because dry cough is an important sign of Covid-19, coughs caused by smoking weed joints can easily mimic its symptoms and make diagnosis more difficult.
The need for a clear head
There are other factors as well. As everyone knows, weeds not only calm you down, but also ruin your ability to function-and you’re facing a medical emergency yourself during your pandemic If you find, you will be at a disadvantage.
“Anxiety is reduced, but it’s a change in thinking, a change in the way we handle facts, and a change in the way we understand the situation,” says Glass.
“Now, a dressed, gloved, and possibly protective suit healthcare worker is trying to contact you. These are the things you can go home, enter the emergency room, They are trying to determine what the scenario is, they need to wear a ventilator. “
“They want those who agree and give informed consent to have full control over their thinking process.”
More Americans Use Weed
“A National Institutes of Health expert published some guidance to patients and our family. Marijuana use disorders could be a risk factor for Covid-19 complications “Hulsey said.
“We need to make sure that these users are aware that marijuana is essentially an underlying health condition,” Hulsey added. “They should take special precautions by minimizing use wherever possible, and even begin the journey of virtual treatment and recovery while everyone is at home.”
A national drug survey found that more than one-third of young people between the ages of 18 and 25 used marijuana in 2018, and more than 13% of adults 26 and older.
“The use of marijuana during the elderly does not bounce up and down like other drugs. It’s a straight line,” said Joseph Paramar, associate professor of population health at Grossman Medical School at the University of New York. February mentioned.
Are more Americans turning to weeds during this crisis?
Simply put, no one knows. According to Glass, reports vary from state to state, and sales estimates use a combination of both THC, the main psychoactive compound of marijuana that produces “high prices,” and CBD, the currently marketed medicinal compound. There are often.
“After several phone calls, the numbers ranged literally from one million to thirty million, so who knew how many people took cannabis during this period to ease their anxiety Do you have”
What should I do?
If you’re not a regular marijuana smoker, don’t get started, experts say.
“ Do not confuse caregivers by trying to sort out if your dry cough and behavioral changes are new to marijuana or due to the fact that it is related to Covid-19 Please, “Glass said.
“If you need to see a caregiver, make sure you’re very honest about when you last used it and how often you use it,” Glass said. It is up to you to inhale marijuana. “
Keep in mind what’s important about smoking and Covid 19, Rizzo said.
“It is common sense that burning and inhaling things that contain particles or chemicals can cause inflammation in the respiratory tract,” he said. “So you are already fighting foreign bodies out of your body before your body has to fight off infections.”
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