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Xi Jinping warns of a “period marked by turbulence” as Starmer highlights the need for…

Xi Jinping warns of a “period marked by turbulence” as Starmer highlights the need for…


November 18, 2024, 2:34 p.m. | Updated: November 18, 2024, 2:38 p.m.

Sir Keir Starmer meets Chinese President Xi Jinping

Sir Keir Starmer meets Chinese President Xi Jinping.


The world has entered a new period marked by “turbulence and transformation”, warned Chinese President Sir Keir Starmer at the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro.

This is the first time a British Prime Minister has met Xi Jinping since 2018.

Sir Keir Starmer has highlighted the need for a strong relationship between the UK and China amid uncertainty.

Speaking at the start of the meeting at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, the Prime Minister said: “We want our relations to be consistent, sustainable, respectful, as we have agreed, avoiding surprises as much as possible.”

He added: “The UK will be a sovereign, predictable and consistent actor, committed to the rule of law.”

The Prime Minister also proposed a full bilateral meeting in Beijing or London.

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He is expected to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the first time a British prime minister has done so in six years.

Starmer is expected to hold talks with Jinping – the first time a British prime minister has done so in six years.


Chinese President Xi Jinping said his country and the UK “share dual responsibilities” to “address global challenges”.

According to a translation in the room at the start of his meeting with Sir Keir Starmer on Monday, the president said there was “ample space for cooperation” between the two countries, particularly on issues such as trade and energy. own.

He said: “The world has entered a new period marked by turbulence and transformation.

“As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major global economies, China and the UK share the dual responsibilities of advancing their respective national development and addressing global challenges.”

He then added: “China and the United Kingdom have ample space for cooperation in various areas, including trade, investment, clean energy, financial services, healthcare and improvement of the well-being of our people.

“We should aim to foster greater development, better serve our people and contribute more to the world.

“ Live up to our strategic partnership and commit to mutual respect, openness, cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning for shared benefit. […] In doing so, we will open new vistas in China-UK relations in a changing world and better highlight the relevance of our relationship to our times and its importance for the world.

Starmer at bilateral meeting with China

Starmer during a bilateral meeting with China.


Journalists were kicked out of the room at the start of the bilateral meeting, around the time Sir Keir Starmer raised the case of Jimmy Lai, a pro-democracy activist and British national imprisoned in Hong Kong.

The Prime Minister said: “I am very pleased that my Foreign Secretary and Foreign Minister Wang met recently to discuss their respective concerns, including on human rights and parliamentary sanctions, on Taiwan , the South China Sea and our common interest in Hong Kong.

“We are concerned about reports of Jimmy Lai’s deterioration.”

He said earlier that he “wishes my chancellor to meet with Deputy Prime Minister He for the next economic and financial dialogue early next year to explore more investment projects and more competitive conditions.” fair to help our businesses.




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