Increasing evidence suggests that COVID-19 harms brain function
Although it is primarily a respiratory illness, studies have also confirmed that COVID-19 directly invades the brain.
Experts believe that the main effect of damage to the brain is hypoxia. However, some studies have recorded certain forms of damage associated with COVID-19-related brain damage. Thousands of individuals with COVID-19 have been seen around the world since the epidemic began earlier this year.
In these cases, the patient suffered from memory loss and meningitis, brain inflammation, and distorted consciousness, prompting questions about the sequelae of COVID-19.
Experts are already working to establish a route of transmission of the virus that contributes to brain lesions.
(Photo: David McNew / Getty Images)
Los Angeles, CA-January 18: Donald Rayfield, known as “Detroit” on the street, smokes crack cocaine and sees a pornographic magazine on January 18, 2006 in an underground rainwater pipe in Los Angeles, California.
Pop results around the world
In July, 92 academic treatises and studies German research team Describes anxiety symptoms that are consistent with coronavirus infection.
The results revealed that 20% of viral carriers had headache symptoms and 7% and 5% experienced dizziness and unconsciousness, respectively. In some cases, meningitis, brain inflammation, and Guillain-Barré syndrome have also been identified with numbness in the limbs.
paper Reported by the British team in July Similar results were shown: Of 43 validated or suspected COVID-19 patients, 10 were hospitalized for hallucinations and other brain dysfunction, 12 were hospitalized for brain inflammation, and 8 were hospitalized for stroke. ..
In American Journal of NeuroradiologyIn a study at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) attached to Harvard University, COVID-19 patients had some of the same biochemical abnormalities in the brain as those suffering from other anoxia (hypoxia). I found out that.
Researchers found in the report Reported to Nature Neuroscience The COVID-19 spike protein penetrated the brain and was sometimes carried to the red arm of the virus strain.
According to experts, the virus can affect brain cells in two ways. Invading brain cells through the olfactory nerve and blood vessels. Or enter other organs to affect the head.
When the former is COVID-19, the virus propagates in the brain and destroys the central nerves of the brain induced by inflammation.
The above hypothesis is that other organs are damaged, causing systemic inflammation and destruction of the central nervous system of the brain, resulting in an abnormal immune response known as a cytokine storm.
Impacts can be unavoidable around the world
In a September paper, a team including Professor Akiko Iwasaki of Yale University used a limited amount of brain tissue consisting of neurons extracted from human induced pluripotent stems to contaminate nerve cells with the virus. Reported that they discovered that they may be (iPS) cells.
It was also found that the virus propagates and removes oxygen from nearby cells within the infected cells, destroying tissues throughout the infected area.
Fumihiro Taguchi, a former senior official at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, found it still difficult to identify the mechanism by which the virus affects the brain. “
According to Taguchi, it is difficult to prove the route of infection because the whole body is already infected with the virus by the time the brain symptoms are discovered.
Taguchi said the effects of COVID-19 on the brain may be unavoidable regardless of the mechanism of the coronavirus used. According to Taguchi, the main thing is that individuals need to be careful to reduce the potential for contamination as much as possible.
Read again: Coronavirus survivors are twice as likely to develop mental illness-study
Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Science Times.
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